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单词 dual
释义  du·al /ˈdjuːəl $ ˈduːəl/ ●○○ adjective [only before noun]  TWOhaving two of something or two parts 双的,双重的,两部分的 → singledual role/purpose/function The bridge has a dual role, carrying both road and rail. 这座桥有双重用途,既作公路又作铁路。 a dual system of education 二元[双元]教育体系dual citizenship/nationality She has dual nationality, of Canada and Britain (=she is a citizen of Canada and Britain). 她有加拿大和英国双重国籍。 —duality /djuˈæləti $ du-/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusdual• The dual character of therapy, then, is actually two sections of the same thing: relieving engrams.• It must also be reinforced by matrix systems such as dual control and evaluation systems..• It's much safer if you learn to drive in a car which has dual controls.• The magistrate's court has a dual function: to try minor cases and consider whether in more serious cases there is enough evidence for a trial to take place.• I can summarize the preceding by pointing to the fact that there is actually a dual metaphor being employed.• He has dual nationality because his father was born in Pakistan and his mother is British.• This is not the place to explore the subtleties of dual or segmented labour market theories.• He found it difficult to cope with the dual pressures of work and home life.• Don Jose continued in his dual role of father and teacher to his son.dual citizenship/nationality• Some of the athletes in this international potpourri, like Kaila, McGuirk and Thomson, hold dual citizenship.• There could not even be a question of dual nationality.• Why, Fox is so diverse that he even has dual citizenship -- neither of them in the United States.• Mr Kohl himself has floated the idea of offering dual citizenship on a trial basis.• However, dual citizenship would not be allowed.Origin dual (1600-1700) Latin dualis, from duo “two”du·al adjectiveChineseSyllable  two something having or of two parts Corpus




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