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单词 drug
释义  Related topics: Drug culture, Drugs, medicinesdrug1 /drʌɡ/ ●●● S2 W1 noun [countable]  1  MDDan illegal substance such as marijuana or cocaine, which some people take in order to feel happy, relaxed, or excited 毒品 A lot of young people start taking drugs at school. 许多年轻人上学时开始吸毒。 She always looks as though she’s on drugs (=taking drugs). 她总是看上去一副吸过毒的样子。 Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose. 吉米·亨德里克斯死于吸毒过量。2  MDa medicine, or a substance for making medicines 药物,药材 a drug used in the treatment of cancer 用于治疗癌症的一种药物drug for new drugs for AIDS-related conditions 治疗艾滋病相关病症的新药 Drugs prescribed (=ordered for people) by doctors can be extremely hazardous if used in the wrong way. 医生开的处方药如果使用不当是非常危险的。 The big drug companies make huge profits. 大型制药公司利润丰厚。3  a substance that people doing a sport sometimes take illegally to improve their performance 运动禁药 She was banned from the Olympics after failing a drug test (=a test that shows if you have taken drugs). 她药检未能过关,被禁止参加奥运会。performance-enhancing drugs 提高成绩的药物4. [usually singular] a substance such as tobacco, coffee, or alcohol, that makes you want more and more of it 成瘾性物质〔如烟草、咖啡、酒〕5  be (like) a drug if an activity is like a drug, you enjoy it so much that you want to do it more and more 〔某项活动〕使人上瘾,让人欲罢不能 Athletics is like a drug – it keeps dragging you back for more. 体育运动会让人上瘾,会不断地使你想练了又练。 → miracle drug at miracle(3) COLLOCATIONSverbstake/use drugs 吸毒I think I took drugs to escape my problems. 我想我吸毒是为了逃避问题。do drugs informal (=take drugs) 吸毒All my friends were doing drugs. 我的朋友都在吸毒。be on drugs (=take drugs regularly) 经常吸毒It can be very hard to tell if your teenager is on drugs. 有时很难断定自己处于青春期的孩子是否吸毒。be addicted to drugs/dependent on drugs (=be unable to stop taking drugs) 吸毒成瘾People who are addicted to drugs need help. 吸毒成瘾的人需要帮助。be/get hooked on drugs informal (=be/get addicted) 吸毒上瘾nShe got hooked on drugs, and ended up homeless.experiment with drugs (=try taking drugs) 尝试吸毒nShe admitted that she had experimented with drugs.come off/get off drugs (=stop taking drugs permanently) 戒毒nIt was years before I was able to come off (in) drugs (also supply drugs formal) (=sell drugs) 贩毒nHe’s in jail for dealing drugs.inject drugs (=use a needle to put drugs into your body) 注射毒品nPeople who share equipment for injecting drugs are at risk of contracting high on drugs (=be experiencing the effects of a drug) 吸毒后极度兴奋的nHe committed the crime while he was high on drugs.drug + NOUNdrug use/abuse (=taking drugs) 吸毒She is being treated for drug abuse. 她因吸毒而正在接受治疗。a drug user (=someone who takes drugs) 吸毒者,瘾君子We set up a counselling service for drug users. 我们为吸毒者提供咨询服务。drug addiction (=the problem of not being able to stop taking drugs) 毒瘾his struggles with alcoholism and drug addiction 他与酗酒和毒瘾的斗争a drug addict (=someone who cannot stop taking drugs) 吸毒成瘾的人nAt 20 Steve was a drug addict, unemployed and lonely.a drug problem (=the problem of being addicted to drugs) 吸毒问题nHis daughter has a drug problem.a drug overdose (=taking too much of a drug at one time) 吸毒过量nShe died from a drug overdose.a drug dealer/pusher (=someone who sells drugs) 毒贩nThe city's streets are full of drug dealers.a drug trafficker/smuggler (=someone involved in bringing drugs into a country) 毒品走私贩nUS efforts against drug traffickersdrug trafficking/smuggling (=the crime of bringing drugs into a country) 毒品走私nThe maximum penalty for drug smuggling was 25 years in jail.nthe drug tradethe international drug tradethe war on drugs (=a long struggle by the authorities to control drugs) 禁毒战nThe war on drugs drug charge (=a legal accusation that someone is guilty of having or selling drugs)He’s awaiting trial on a drug drug offence (=a crime related to having or selling drugs)Luciani is serving 20 years for drug offences.adjectivesillegal drugs 毒品A lot of crime is connected to illegal drugs. 许多犯罪都和毒品有关。hard drugs (also class A drugs British English) (=strong drugs such as heroin, cocaine etc) 硬毒品nHe was in prison for dealing hard drugs.soft drugs (=less strong drugs such as marijuana) 软毒品nSoft drugs are legal in some countries.recreational drugs (=taken for pleasure) 消遣性毒品nEcstasy was first used in Britain as a recreational drug in the 1980s.designer drugs (=produced artificially from chemicals) 人造毒品nDesigner drugs are highly addictive and can have unpredictable side effects.COMMON ERRORS ► Don’t say ‘light drugs’. Say soft drugs. 不要说 ‘light drugs’. 而要说 soft drugs. Instead of ‘heavy drugs’, you usually say hard drugs. 人们不说 ‘heavy drugs’,一般说 hard drugs.Examples from the Corpusdrug• D.W. had come in over ocean and flown low as a drug smuggler over what might as well be called treetops.• She has been treated for alcohol and drug abuse.• Alcohol and drug misusers may fear approaching statutory agencies for help, especially if they are parents.• Dewey said that legalizing marijuana would encourage people to experiment with hard drugs such as cocaine or heroin.• The agency's efforts to reduce the flow of illegal drugs into the United States has largely failed.• Conclusions - Seroconversion to HIV-1 among intravenous drug misusers is associated with bacterial pneumonia.• The New Jersey drug maker will begin marketing its new anti-balding medication in April.• Back then, because of drugs, I lost everything I had.• In facing the challenge of drug abuse, the media have never been less monolithic.• a new campaign to warn teens about the danger of drugs• The organization tries to deal with the widespread problems of drug addiction and alcoholism.• Morphine is a very powerful drug.• The article says that Ware tried to commit suicide by combining prescription drugs and alcohol.• Despite being a rich drug dealer, he never misses a class.• Thompson was arrested for selling drugs in the fall of 1992.• Four teenagers were arrested for selling drugs.• Seven out of ten teenagers said they had tried soft drugs.• One of the early ones was dinitrophenol, the first synthetic drug used for weight reduction.• A lot of work will have to be done before human beings start taking drugs in dissolving glass.• One disadvantage of the drug is that it is very expensive.• Many researchers think that the drug may help prevent prostate cancer.• The drugs I take for hay fever make me feel very drowsy.on drugs• Look for signs that your child may be on drugs.• Controls on drugs have traditionally been very strict; but regulations governing foods and their additives are extremely liberal.• The other pattern is that the child has psychiatric or psychological problems or is dependent on drugs or alcohol.• They need to focus the national policy on drugs, on stopping it at the source.• This is one example of a task related to an extract from off-air documentary material within a unit on drugs.• This Marine and his unit were on duty on a peaceful border as part of the War on Drugs.• Finally, a reason to vote for Bob Dole: He will call off the war on drugs.• Police believe many of the ravers were on drugs.drug companies• He also called for the establishment of partnerships between governments and drug companies to conduct research.• The multinational drug companies are often exploiting that knowledge in their constant search for new and more profitable drugs.• This has turned drug regulators into unwitting protectors of drug companies.• About the profits that drug companies make from this advertising.• Behind the drug companies' interest in pet medicines is a world-wide market currently estimated at more than $ 1 billion.• Fears On the other hand what is holding the Index back is the drug companies.• And what of the drug companies?• Several members of the two committees have links with drug companies manufacturing meningitis vaccines.performance-enhancing drugs• Seven of the 12 winners tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs.Related topics: Drugs, medicinesdrug2 verb (drugged, drugging) [transitive]  1  MDto give a person or animal a drug, especially in order to make them feel tired or go to sleep, or to make them perform well in a race 使服用麻醉药;使服用兴奋剂 Johnson drugged and attacked four women. 约翰逊下药侵犯了四名妇女。 There was no evidence that the horse had been drugged. 没有证据表明这匹马服过禁药。2  MDHARM/BE BAD FORto put drugs in someone’s food or drink in order to make them feel tired or go to sleep 在〔食物或饮料〕中下麻醉药,投放麻药 SYN spike The wine had been drugged. 这酒里放了麻药。3  be drugged up to the eyeballs especially British EnglishMDMDD to have taken a lot of illegal drugs, or to have been given a lot of medicine 已吸食大量毒品;已服用大量药品;被〔医生〕用了大量药 She was in pain, despite being drugged up to the eyeballs. 尽管用了大量的药,她仍然觉得痛。 —drugged adjective→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdrug• We can't all be permanently drugged.• Collins says she was drugged and then raped on their first date.From Longman Business Dictionarydrugdrug /drʌg/ noun [countable]1a medicine or substance for making medicinesSYN PHARMACEUTICALa drug used in the treatment of cancera drugs company → over-the-counter drug → prescription drug2an illegal substance that people take to make them feel happy or excitedThe business was secretly laundering drug money.Origin drug1 (1300-1400) Old French droguedrug1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1drug2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  such an illegal as substance Business or Corpus cocaine, marijuana




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