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单词 Shuffle along
1. She shuffled along, kicking up clouds of dust.
2. The prisoners shuffled along the corridor and into their cells.
3. One of the Uberwald people shuffled along the corridor.
4. The bird shuffled along its perch.
5. Getting the hands forward might involve a little arm over arm shuffling along the boom.
6. Man shuffled along over the cold floors, some dressed in grey prison-issue pyjamas, others bare-chested or in boxer shorts.
7. Today's shorebirds shuffle along muddy flats pecking and probing for invertebrates to eat.
7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
8. Without speaking , we shuffle along the aisle and climb down the metal stairway.
9. I did a slow shuffle along the carpeted floor of the concourse.
10. Kids don't shuffle along in unison on the road to maturity.They slouch toward adulthood at an uneven, highly individual pace.
11. Twelve feet high, cube in shape, not very smart or nimble, but it did shuffle along slowly.
12. They seemed not so much to walk as to shuffle along on their patched boots.
13. I stay a few feet behind, watching the three of them shuffle along at a ten-month-old's pace.
14. Want to come even if is to can not realize in one shake, but can also a little bit shuffle along slowly, at the peak of canning haul along some time, he can definitely thought of way.
15. He decided not to look at the ground but just gaze straight ahead and shuffle along.
16. So, in my shambling, desultory British way, I thought I'd shuffle along there for some posh scran and a glass of wine myself.




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