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单词 drake
释义  drake /dreɪk/ noun [countable]  HBAa male duck 公鸭 → ducks and drakesExamples from the Corpusdrake• Mainly silent, but drake has low descending whistle, ending in a trill: and duck a harsh croak.• Crested drake has strikingly variegated plumage, with conspicuous orange-chestnut wing-fans and side-whiskers.• Bill of drake blackish, of duck greyish.• Plumage of drakes predominantly black, of ducks mainly brown; tail short, pointed.• Black head and neck separate drake from similarly patterned drake Pochard.• Many duck species are polygamous, with the drakes having no role in rearing the families.• The drake is smart rather than spectacular in appearance.Origin drake (1200-1300) From an ancient Germanic word related to German enterich “male duck”drake nounChinese  a male duck Corpus




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