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单词 downy
释义  Related topics: Hair & beauty, Material & textilesdown·y /ˈdaʊni/ adjective  DCBTIMcovered in or filled with soft fine hair or feathers 被绒毛覆盖的;充满绒毛的 the baby’s downy head 婴儿毛茸茸的脑袋Examples from the Corpusdowny• The undersides of the leaves are slightly downy.• On the right, nearest his father, Hubert, best-suited school-leaver with a downy boy's face and sharp cheek-bones.• And on the branch beside it is a downy chick.• Outside, a light snow had begun to fall, whitening the streets with downy flakes.• On his head was a fuzz - a fluff of pale downy hair, almost transparent.• a baby's downy hair• Consider instead the delicate beading of perspiration on a downy lip.• These leaves, too, were curled around the edges, and their undersides were covered with a downy tan fuzz.• In the mixed hardwood forest, I come across a number of hairy and downy woodpeckers.nDown·y /ˈdaʊni/ trademark  na type of liquid fabric conditioner (=substance for making clothes feel softer), sold in the USdown·y adjectiveDown·yLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  or filled fine hair in or Corpus soft covered with




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