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单词 downmarket
释义  down·mar·ket1 /ˌdaʊnˈmɑːkɪt◂ $ -ɑːr-/ adjective British English  CHEAPdownmarket goods or services are cheap and not of very good quality 〔商品、服务〕低档的,廉价的,质量不好的 SYN American English downscale OPP upmarket downmarket tabloid newspapers 低级小报 The company wanted to break away from its traditional, downmarket image. 这家公司想要摆脱其传统的、价廉质低的形象。Examples from the Corpusdownmarket• Samsung has been trying to discard its somewhat downmarket image for some time.• Everything that the east village - the downmarket part of the Voice's patch - wasn't.downmarket2 adverb British English  1. go/move downmarket to start buying or selling cheaper goods or services 开始向低端市场发展;开始买[卖]廉价商品2  take something downmarket to change a product or service so that it is cheaper and more popular – used to show disapproval 把某物降低档次〔含贬义〕 He was accused of taking the radio station downmarket in order to compete with commercial stations. 他被指责为了和商业电台竞争而降低电台的档次。Examples from the Corpusdownmarket• The Opera House specialised in drama for nine years - and then went downmarket.From Longman Business Dictionarydownmarketdown‧mar‧ket1 /ˌdaʊnˈmɑːkət◂-ɑːr-/ adjective involving goods and services that are cheap and not very good quality compared to similar goods or servicesSYN AmE downscaleThe mail order business has never been able to break away from its traditional downmarket image.downmarketdownmarket2 adverbCOMMERCE1go/move downmarket to start buying or selling cheaper goods or servicesSYNdownscale AmEMercedes will move further downmarket with the Smart car.2take something downmarket to change a product or a service, or people’s ideas about it, so that it is cheaper or seems cheaper and more popularSYNdownscale AmEHe was accused of taking BBC Radio 3 downmarket to compete with a new commercial station.down·mar·ket1 adjectivedownmarket2 adverbChineseSyllable  or Corpus goods not downmarket services are Business cheap and




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