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单词 dovetail
释义  dove·tail1 /ˈdʌvteɪl/ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]TOGETHER to fit together perfectly or to make two plans, ideas etc fit together perfectly 吻合;使〔两个计划、观点等〕吻合dovetail with My vacation plans dovetail nicely with Joyce’s. 我的度假计划与乔伊丝的计划正好吻合。2. [transitive + together]TBC to join two pieces of wood by means of dovetail joints 用燕尾榫接合连接〔两块木头〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdovetail• This is why a mix of different people has the potential to dovetail and become a cohesive team.• Yet, in retrospect, Glam dovetailed exactly with developments in consumer capitalism.• This block is dovetailed into the pine framing of the sides so it can be slipped off for disassembly.• The higher prices would dovetail nicely with production capacity increases that are already in the pipeline.• And topocide is even easier when the policies of planners, politicians, and industrialists dovetail so precisely.• That research could dovetail with gene-therapy efforts under way at Chiron.• But his athletic prowess dovetailed with his particular experiences, and his body, for him, acquired almost magical power.dovetail with• New mail-handling systems dovetail with the Post Office's push for efficiency.dovetail2 (also dovetail joint) noun [countable]  TBCa type of joint fastening two pieces of wood together 燕尾榫接合dove·tail1 verbdovetail2 nounChineseSyllable  two perfectly to ideas Corpus together plans, fit or to make




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