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单词 doubtless
释义  doubt·less /ˈdaʊtləs/ ●○○ adverb  TRUEused when saying that something is almost certain to happen or be true 无疑地,肯定地 Doubtless there would be lots of rumours. 无疑会谣言四起。Examples from the Corpusdoubtless• Mrs Taxos was doubtless back in her flat-roofed cottage cooking up moussaka.• Higher value-added products will doubtless become more important but the business will also move closer to the consumer.• As a Stalinist, Nizan was doubtless reassured that prompt action to deal with the anti-Soviet activities had been taken.• Your payments will doubtless rise in the second year.• Their punkish stance is probably a put-on: doubtless their dads are commodities brokers.• On 23 June 1613 Isaac Jaggard was admitted freeman of the company by patrimony, doubtless to help his father.doubt·less adverbChineseSyllable  almost that happen certain is something used saying when Corpus to




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