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单词 double-cross
释义  ˌdouble-ˈcross verb [transitive]  CHEATto cheat someone, especially after you have agreed to do something dishonest with them 〔尤指在答应与对方一起做坏事后〕叛卖,出卖 —double cross noun [countable] —double-crosser noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdouble-cross• He was killed for double-crossing his Mob bosses.• I'm warning you - if you double-cross me, I'll kill you.• Harry and Danny double-crossed the gang and escaped with all the money.From Longman Business Dictionarydouble-crossˌdouble-ˈcross verb [transitive] to cheat someone who you are involved in an illegal or dishonest activity withHe was living in fear of drug traffickers he had double-crossed.→ See Verb tableˌdouble-ˈcross verbChineseSyllable  cheat to especially someone, agreed after Corpus you have Business




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