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单词 double-book
释义  Related topics: Transportˌdouble-ˈbook verb [intransitive, transitive]  ATTto promise the same seat in a theatre, on a plane etc to more than one person by mistake 重复预订〔误将剧院、飞机等的同一座位预订给不同的人〕 —double-booking noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableFrom Longman Business Dictionarydouble-bookˌdouble-ˈbook verb [transitive]TRAVEL to promise the same hotel room, seat in a theatre, table at a restaurant etc to more than one person by mistakeThe Grand was double-booked and had to offer us the first week at another hotel, which was, in our opinion, inferior. —double booking noun [countable, uncountable]There’s a problem over a double booking.→ See Verb tableˌdouble-ˈbook verbChineseSyllable  to a in same seat a plane Corpus theatre, promise Business the on




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