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单词 Socialist
1, Many companies are wary of their socialist leanings.
2, Ethiopia was declared a socialist state.
3, She is a dedicated socialist.
4, The country is run on socialist principles.
5, He avowed himself a socialist.
6, Socialist and capitalist countries coexist in the world.
7, The establishment of the socialist system to we opened a reach the ideal state of roads, and the ideal into reality needs to rely on our hard work.
8, The socialist candidate enjoys the firm support of local industry.
9, The party has watered down its socialist ideals in order to appeal to the centre ground.
10, The party has drifted too far from its socialist ideals.
11, Keene doesn't like to be categorized as a socialist.
12, She's a socialist with a small 's' .
13, She was soon converted to the socialist cause.
14, His father was an ardent socialist.
15, His socialist views sit uneasily with his huge fortune.
16, The Socialist candidate was heckled continuously.
17, The company had once been uncompromisingly socialist.
18, He still clings stubbornly to his socialist ideas.
19, The Socialist Party has split into two opposing camps.
20, Paying for hospital treatment goes against her socialist principles.
21, They were accused of abandoning their socialist principles.
22, Socialist policy favours public ownership of the coal industry.
23, He was a socialist all his life.
24, The party has a broadly socialist orientation.
25, This matter pinpricked and heckled the socialist leaders.
26, He's still a socialist at heart.
27, Such an approach accords with the principles of socialist ideology.
28, Under socialist system rendering to a worker is done according to his work.
29, He has been accused of betraying his former socialist ideals.
30, Protesters are holding a twenty-four hour vigil outside the socialist party headquarters.
1, Many companies are wary of their socialist leanings.
2, Ethiopia was declared a socialist state.
3, She is a dedicated socialist.
4, The country is run on socialist principles.
5, He avowed himself a socialist.
6, Socialist and capitalist countries coexist in the world.
7, The socialist candidate enjoys the firm support of local industry.
8, The party has watered down its socialist ideals in order to appeal to the centre ground.
9, The party has drifted too far from its socialist ideals.
10, Protesters are holding a twenty-four hour vigil outside the socialist party headquarters.
11, His father was an ardent socialist.
12, This paper is the official organ of the Socialist Party.
31, For some, his decision to become a Socialist candidate at Sunday's election was simply a sell-out.
32, Her socialist beliefs were born of a hatred of injustice.
33, The socialist party is expected to scoop up the majority of the working-class vote.
34, The Socialist Party was founded to give political expression to the working classes.
35, This paper is the official organ of the Socialist Party.
36, The socialist party squeaked home with a majority of just two seats.
37, The party in power planned to bulldoze through a full socialist programme.
38, He considered the strikes a prelude to the great socialist revolution.
39, Fitt was the closest thing to a socialist in the party.
40, A committed socialist, he upheld the rights of the voiceless and the underprivileged.
41, The fact that he sent his children to private school makes a mockery of his socialist principles.
42, He was seen as a traitor to the socialist cause.
43, He concedes that there are imperfections in the socialist system.
44, He used to heap scorn on Dr Vazquez's socialist ideas.
45, The working class is still too small to enable a successful socialist revolution.
46, The Socialist Workers' Party seemed to split into several splinter groups.
47, He raised the roof at the conference when he sang his own version of the socialist anthem, The Red Flag.
48, Primakov was in Japan meeting with the chairwoman of the Socialist Party there.
49, To win the presidency he had first to outwit his rivals within the Socialist Party.
50, The socialist party suffered a crushing defeat in the French elections.
51, Once a socialist, she has now reverted to type and votes Tory like her parents.
52, It is at the heart such a socialist system.
53, He pasted it into his socialist scrapbook.
54, A non-revolutionary socialist, she believed in legislative action.
55, There was socialist literature strewn about.
56, The classroom content reflects a clear socialist bias.
57, We provided a socialist system of education.
58, A socialist state was proclaimed one year later.
59, But is it a socialist government?
60, Socialist and Marxist theories of the state.
61, Socialist central planners deliberately underpriced energy and other inputs.
62, The Socialist response was a general strike.
63, The socialist system was my hope.
64, Britain in the throes of a socialist revolution?
65, He lived in poverty and became a socialist.
66, The incoming Socialist government announced its intentions to link industrial policy with planning and macro-policy.
67, She was also instrumental in nudging him into giving 25 percent of the positions in the Socialist Party to women.
68, They lie not in state socialist utopianism but in a respect for free competition.
69, The construction of the party was an essential condition for the victory of the socialist revolution.
70, And, on the assumption of the superiority of socialist organisation, the victory would go to the proletariat.
71, Such non-ending cheeriness provoked the nonconformists into dwelling upon those aspects of the human condition which Socialist Realism refused to acknowledge.
72, But what socialist governments, in which countries, had ever worked?
73, The demoralisation generated by the occupation was taken full advantage of by the Communists to establish a socialist republic.
74, It would be quite wrong in thinking about the economics of socialist countries to focus exclusively on inefficiency.
75, Naturally, the overall content of nonconformist works reads like a list of the worst taboos of Socialist Realist theory.
76, Bukharin rejected Preobrazhensky's whole conception of primitive socialist accumulation, and with good cause as we shall see.
77, Separately, a Socialist appeal to a municipal court in Nis was rejected last week, upholding the opposition victory there.
78, Such behaviour is not suited to a democratic socialist party of the 1990s.
79, It was thus forced to participate in elections under the cover of front parties, currently the Socialist Labour Party.
80, The moderate socialist and trade-union leadership which had established itself since the late nineteenth century came under severe pressure from below.
81, Socialist Franco Reviglio, previously budget minister,[sentence dictionary] was made finance minister.
82, Each had its own impossible plan for a perfect world, usually either socialist or Zionist.
83, In the next four years she forged ahead with her husband's socialist programme-and went further.
84, If you want to campaign for socialist policies against this government, join the Labour party.
85, Elsewhere socialist parties have had to compete in multiparty and proportional electoral systems and usually share power in government.
86, These socialist writings showed me the key to my environment.
87, Until the final stages of the war the future form of radical and socialist politics in Britain remained obscure.
88, It helps to explain the conservatism of our class struggle, and its failure to mature into socialist struggle.
89, The Alliance and its supporters busied themselves in rates and exposes of socialist malpractice.
90, Such incidents were symptomatic of tensions within the socialist movement that were to have long-term consequences.
91, There were three main aspects to Bukharin's ideas on the transition period leading to a new socialist equilibrium: 1.
92, The early railway unions that emerged during the 1890s were generally socialist in orientation, although in a few cases they were anarcho-syndicalist.
93, Last month's elections saw a continuance in power of the country's socialist party.
94, The dinner they gave him ranks among the epic brawls which regularly give the brotherhood of socialist solidarity a bad name.
95, It might even be socialist, and we couldn't have that-bridges and communities might be built before billboards.
96, Whether a capitalist or socialist approach to development is adopted, it must be development with a human face.
97, A pacifist, a socialist, and many other wonderful, otherworldly things.
98, Chaplin was certainly a humanitarian with strong socialist leanings at a time when to appear even remotely pink was begging for trouble.
99, In February 1990 the organization left Belgrade's Socialist Alliance, citing the shortcomings in the alliance's electoral procedure.
100, It can be traced back to nineteenth-century philanthropists like the early socialist entrepreneur Robert Owen and various Quaker-owned businesses.
101, For a start, it is a subordinate class, and being a socialist means surrendering a culture of subordination for self-determination.
102, Particularly since, almost invariably, the colonists used socialist slogans to reject any nationalist demands and justify the elimination of nationalists.
103, Even if workers could solve their collective action problems and unite behind a socialist party, their electoral muscle would be insufficient.
104, The Second International also insisted that the first socialist revolution in a major country would quickly find imitators elsewhere.
105, He thought of socialism in humanist terms but had little appreciation of socialist economics.
106, There used to be a rickety vending machine at Manchester and Vermont that held a Socialist Workers newspaper.
107, One may say that socialist market economy is a contradiction in terms.
108, The Left-wing of the party continued to fight for the adoption of socialist policies.
109, Since the job required that he be politically neutral, he had to sever his links with the Socialist Party.
110, In a socialist society, it was asked, were such gross disparities and inequalities permissible?
110, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
111, Nis, a traditional Socialist stronghold, had been site of the most egregious election-day fraud.
112, The socialist road had to be adhered to, even though that itself was changing with the ultimate destination now uncertain.
113, The mass demonstrations demanded his resignation, the abrogation of the socialist constitution, a national conference and a new constitution.
114, The editors of two Socialist Party publications, Eyler and Teori have been told their magazines must stop publishing.
115, And it was those of liberal and moderate socialist leaders, men like Miliukov and Kerensky, which exerted greatest influence.
116, He worked as a journalist in the 1890s, and took an active role in discussions among liberal and socialist intellectuals.
117, Instead, the party moulded the spontaneous protest of the working class into a consciously socialist revolutionary movement.
118, The longer that socialist parties held on to the old orthodoxies, the worse they have suffered.
119, Perhaps the ultimate irony is that Stalinist-style Socialist Realism is now being sold in the West.
120, It is a political project exhibiting all the characteristics of a centrally controlled socialist economic system.
121, His proposal that a new socialist party should rise from the ashes of the present one was hardly disputed.
122, The planners hoped that this would forge bonds between residents, and regarded the innovation as an exciting experiment in socialist living.
123, Mile Ilic, the local Socialist chieftain, was fired by Milosevic in the early days of the protests.
124, Or were these superficial appearances, against which Socialist solidarity would always prevail?
125, My lesbian socialist feminist identity was fully consolidated and formed the basis of my support network and closest friends.
126, Sabit Brokaj of the Socialist Party faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted.
127, The Communist Party is seeking to develop radical socialist politics in Britain.
128, The current Socialist leader suggested his party form part of a new grouping of the left.
129, They intend to build a socialist state, and the revolution which they have begun is irreversible.
130, During the 1860s and 70s the populists attributed to the primitive peasant commune all the characteristics of a latent socialist order.
131, The three largest unions are refusing to vote for his compromise which would let whites belong to a black socialist society.
132, A socialist Constitution was endorsed by referendum in July 1979.
133, The Socialist project of the Mitterrand government may be dead, but its cultural entrepreneurship continues to enjoy wide popular support.
134, But it's no uncritical endorsement of any part of the socialist tradition, or of the New Model Labour Party.
135, The assumption behind this shift was that an ideal black music would naturally link up with socialist politics.
136, In the 1980s Amnesty International reports listed several Arab socialist countries as sites of torture and killing.
137, It calls itself socialist, but wins seats in rural constituencies which have no time for socialism.
138, Catering for more than 100,000 students a year, the Millars had a major influence on the dissemination of socialist ideas.
139, And it was from their number that the most prominent socialist leaders of 1917 were drawn.
140, As a prominent socialist,[] Webb had a vested interest in explaining developments in the way she did.
141, The socialist parties played a peripheral role in the revolution of 1905.
142, Nu advanced the ingenious suggestion that instead of the existing Commonwealth structure there should be a federation of Socialist states.
143, When President Ricardo Lagos, a moderate socialist, took office last March, he promised the temporeras a better deal.
144, As a result, socialist realism espouses a new interest in correctionalism - even under capitalism.
145, It seemed a strange place for a red-bearded revolutionary socialist to live.
146, In this situation an international socialist conference demanding peace short of victory would not be at all helpful.
147, The socialist party secretly engineered the defeat of the government.
148, Despite some socialist groups within the alliance, the dominant economic belief is capitalist.
149, Those in favour included both the ruling New Democracy and the opposition socialist Pasok.
150, I spoke about my frustrations, about not being able to read socialist and feminist books and magazines.
151, They have defeated their only serious rival - socialist ideology.
152, The doctor was arrested after she was named as a member of a clandestine socialist movement.
153, By advocating the building of a national coalition the Communists were able to attract sections of the Socialist Party.
154, The socialist vote was up by more than 30 percent on its showing in the 1990 poll.
155, The decision highlighted scandals plaguing the ruling Socialist Party just five weeks before parliamentary elections.
156, Are socialist bureaucrats better at supplying a market than private traders?
157, For a short time he paid attention to the socialist notions of Robert Owen, but then let them fade.
158, None of the existing forms of political reflection-conservative, liberal, socialist, Gandhian-have faced this problem openly.
159, In terms of style they were united only by their opposition to the narrow interpretation of Socialist Realism in those years.
160, Unlike affiliated unions or socialist societies they had no collective voice but were regarded as subsidiary units.
161, From the socialist perspective, these disparities cause misery, deep alienation, and pervasive conflict in the society.
162, These humanist goals could be fully covered by the ideals which are sometimes described as socialist.
163, They would disembark merrily with renewed faith in the Soviet socialist system, although having no real knowledge of it.
164, The point that capitalist planning is increasingly conducted on an international scale poses problems for the socialist project.
165, Marx was clearly the most influential of all the socialist writers.
166, There is a mood of optimism among Socialist Party supporters tonight.
167, Is it realising the socialist ideals that we stood for?
168, Mr Diouf's Socialist party has ruled the country since independence in 1960.
169, Similarly, the ideology of socialism in its Marxist-Leninist form is quite distinct from its democratic socialist form.
170, The pre-war career of H. N. Brailsford illustrates the easy co-operation of liberal and socialist internationalism before 1914.
171, On the other is a toppled colossus painfully constructing a market economy out of the wreckage of a socialist one.
172, Albeit in an oblique fashion,[http://] Soviet Socialist Realism thus influenced the development of western high art.
173, In recent years Western socialists have formulated wide-ranging proposals for socialist economic organization in which markets play a key role.
174, Preobrazhensky attempted to define some optimum rate of primitive socialist accumulation for the state sector in an abstract manner.
175, It took the rise of the socialist movement to turn the tide.
176, Increasingly, the socialists declared that they saw the republic as a Bourgeois stepping stone in a transition to a socialist regime.
177, Castor, a prominent Socialist deputy, threatened to resign from the party.
178, Many students had strayed from the socialist path and needed to be reminded of the superiority of the socialist system.
179, It was George Orwell who gave the most memorable expression to the socialist patriotism of 1940.
180, A truly socialist legal system and democracy complete with free speech and free media were called for.
181, Laurent Fabius, the Socialist president of the parliament, urged Mr Jiang to abolish the death penalty.
182, An inefficient socialist economy and thirty years of increasingly corrupt one-party rule have made their contributions.
183, Boudjema believes that the opposition parties are settling a score with the Socialist government and using the schoolgirls as a scapegoat.
184, A different conception of collective bargaining in terms both of its character and role is applicable in socialist countries with centrally-planned economies.
185, It was certainly an occasion that made Le Kha Phieu's earlier protestations of continuing socialist purity hard to believe.
186, Interwar Socialist Realism Socialist realism has a bad press in the West.
187, He fought many battles with the early Labour party in Lancaster and discrimination against socialist employees was alleged.
188, Socialist politicians seemed intent on forging a new unity and modernising their hard-left policies.
189, We would argue that as socialist feminists it is important to challenge owner-occupation as a form of tenure.
190, No Socialist bastion remained intact, no government minister or party leader unthreatened.
191, They believe that if socialist revolution has not arrived today, it will come tomorrow.
192, Notice, though, that the socialist case can be advanced on stronger ideological ground than ever before.
193, Socialist victory in the advanced capitalist countries constitutes the only certain guarantee of enduring peace.
194, All the same, the 1988 results give Socialist defenders of the mixed economy new ammunition to fire at would-be privatisers.
195, If interpreted within an uncensored, pluralist cultural climate, the Socialist Realist method still embodies fine, humanist ideals.
196, What was new, and what is of interest in this context, was his fundamental critical reappraisal of socialist realism.
197, The only form of constitutional arrangements which socialist states took seriously after 1917 were formulas for national federation and autonomy.
198, But I can not see it solving the crisis of the socialist left.
199, Hashimoto finally settled on Wataru Kubo of the steadily disintegrating socialist party.
200, Why did socialist feminists accuse us, at best, of being hedonistic female chauvinists, and at worst, Fascists?
200, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
201, A car-driving, home-owning, polytechnic lecturer with a fake northern accent, was a bleating guilty liberal, not a socialist.
202, The new socialist criminology of the 1960s and 1970s, however, marked a return to the more romantic view.
203, Polly described herself as a feminist, a socialist and an anarchist, which of course made her an extremely dull conversationalist.
204, He was not an opposition supporter but an ardent disciple of MrMilosevic's Socialist party.
205, Thus democracy is not a regime that remains self-sufficient for decades but is only a direct prelude to the socialist revolution.
206, Soviet experience has also helped to shape the role of labour unions in socialist states elsewhere.
207, Poland is trying to move from a centrally planned socialist economy to a free-market capitalist economy.
208, Furthermore, despite similarities between capitalist and state socialist industrial production, there are significant differences.
209, A socialist youth was on his feet, roaring with all the force and outrage of his years.
210, In any socialist society, competition is absent and, because it is absent, services are usually non-existent.
211, Political report: The socialist countries faced a profound crisis, both theoretically and practically.
212, Gardiner was a strange man: an old Harrovian, an immensely skilful and prosperous Silk and a dedicated socialist.
213, A wide variety of cultural trends would coexist, and a socialist culture and personality would develop.
214, Officially only eleven years old in 1945, Socialist Realism continued to condition Soviet cultural policies throughout the 1940s and 1950s.
215, To do that would be to become that most absurd and outmoded of beings, a socialist.
216, The chairman's tact prevented the nearly explicit discussion of socialist principle from becoming more so.
217, Environmental modernisation is an integral part of a socialist strategy for industrial modernisation.
218, A second major variation within socialist ideology is democratic socialism.
219, When the Socialist government came to power there was a furious public row.
220, There were groups, such as the Socialist League, which disagreed with the policy line being developed.
221, It focuses on non-price causes of shortage reproduction in the socialist economy.
222, In this hostile ideological jungle, little clearings of socialist culture had to be created painfully.
223, The problematical task of theorizing socialist realist practice was ignored by both.
224, From the age of four my granda Hugh would visit the socialist Sunday school.
225, Our concern here is not to try to disentangle New Liberalism from Fabian socialist thought.
226, In later chapters I shall make some comments on the importance of incomes policy in the development of the socialist project.
227, On one occasion, a socialist game was played, in which players took the parts of rich and poor countries.
228, They are certainly both motivated by the same united Arab nationalism, as well as a move towards social reorganisation described as socialist.
229, You may wish to consider the nature of its nationalisation programme and critically examine how radical or socialist it was.
230, But later this month it will become even more so when Socialist Party candidate Bertrand Delano is elected as mayor.
231, Recognition that market provision is preferred makes the socialist project more urgent.
232, A socialist party supports government provision; a big business party opposes taxation.
233, The militant socialist minorities were at each other's throats and were completely disillusioned with the Labour Party.
234, The contradictions are reflected in the political arguments - and political rows - between socialist feminists and the fledgling labour movement bureaucracy.
235, Under the highly unpopular Videnov,[sentence dictionary] the Socialist government resisted implementing economic reforms.
236, The socialist government feared a loss of government to the C.N.T. unless they held out a revolutionary future to the social masses.
237, The development of Mosley's economic ideas in the 1920s showed a gradual transition from a socialist to a nationalist Perspective.
238, De Rossa said that his breakaway group would form a new democratic socialist party.
239, While the policies in a socialist state attempt to reduce inequalities significantly, they do not aim for total economic equality.
240, He had become accustomed to great wealth, but he had a social conscience and may even have considered himself a socialist.
241, The socialist state nationalised film and gave film-makers much better potential opportunities.
242, Would a traitor to the socialist cause ever have received such a welcome at a Labour Party Conference?
243, The failure of the ruling Socialist Party to reform the economy has plunged the country into disaster.
244, He was making posters after hours on the job and sending them to the Socialist Workers Party.
245, A feature of the demonstration was the large number of placards denouncing the immigration policies of the Socialist government.
246, The fact is that in some countries there is more than one party affiliated to the Socialist International.
247, During his stints as a Red Guard and a soldier, however, Wei became disillusioned with the one-party socialist ideology.
248, All that and an accolade from the intellectual socialist weekly!
249, It was then that naturalist novels in the manner of Emile Zola began to appear, often with Socialist leanings.
250, But for Bukharin the market had no place within the fully developed socialist economic system once that condition had been achieved.
251, More than that, state intervention, and especially public ownership of the means of production, had sadly disappointed socialist hopes.
252, President Alan Garcia's socialist government that took office in July 1985 has taken a tolerant view of the informal sector.
253, The government is only cautiously expanding the limited free-market alterations of its socialist economy begun four years ago.
254, Gutierrez, better known as Alberto Korda, is delighted his photograph has inspired socialist revolutionaries for more than three decades.
255, Mordovia is the cesspit into which are flushed the malcontents and malefactors of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
256, Mitterrand, a Socialist, had been ill with prostate cancer for several years.
257, After the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 her commitment to the international socialist movement intensified.
258, Say, how's this for socialist austerity?
259, The socialist market economy has taken shape initially.
260, Mr McCain has tried to portray Barack Obama as an unpatriotic socialist.
261, Socialist Party of Croatia ( SPC ) : Zagreb; Pres . - Zeljko Mazar.
262, Socialist administrations by 1912 governed Milwaukee, Schenectady , and Berkeley,[] California.
263, Adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles and develop socialist democracy.
264, The U.S. is making appropriately friendly noises to the new Socialist Government ( Flora Lewis ).
265, The Socialist Party, which won a convincing victory in elections in June, has been losing support in the polls recently.
266, Western countries saying socialist countries practice autocratic rule is just slander.
267, But these Socialist and Communist publications contain also a critical element.
268, Initial results have been achieved in our efforts to develop socialist population and childbearing cultures.
269, I advise you not to attach yourself to the Socialist Party.
270, Socialist Algeria was always looking for an opportunity to weaken its neighbor and rival.
271, The Socialist Party won a landslide victory on a nationalist platform.




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