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单词 anchor
释义  Related topics: Water, Television & radioan·chor1 /ˈæŋkə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1  TTWa piece of heavy metal that is lowered to the bottom of the sea, a lake etc to prevent a ship or boat moving 锚at anchor The ship was at anchor. 那艘船停锚了。 We dropped anchor a few yards offshore. 我们在离岸几码远的地方抛锚停航。 The next morning, they weighed anchor (=lifted the anchor) and began to move south again. 第二天早上他们起锚,又开始向南航行。 →4  See picture of 见图 WRECK 22  especially American EnglishAMT someone who reads the news on TV and introduces news reports 〔电视〕新闻节目主持人,主播 SYN British English newsreader Dan Rather, anchor of the CBC Evening News 哥伦比亚广播公司《晚间新闻》主持人丹·拉瑟3  HELPsomeone or something that provides a feeling of support and safety 支柱;靠山 Dad was the anchor of the family. 爸爸是家里的顶梁柱。Examples from the Corpusanchor• He was martyred when thrown into the Black Sea with an anchor tied to him.• We dropped anchor a few yards offshore.• Neither parliament nor the law was open, though these provided both soaring fame and a practical anchor for similarly gifted men.• His one serious anchor was the friendship with Madame Phan.• These ancient trees are a spiritual anchor that our culture needs to hold on to.• The weather segments also give the anchors a chance to banter with the weather people and lighten the proceedings.• Finally on the fourth day one of the anchor ropes sheered through and we lost that anchor to the gale.• As she waited, she began to study the anchor cables around her.• He was the anchor for the BBC's nine o'clock news for over 10 years.• The anchors are usually linked by sundry cords and tapes of varying age and wear.weighed anchor• We weighed anchor next morning and sailed down the fiord on a calm sea.Related topics: Water, Television & radioanchor2 verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]TTW to lower the anchor on a ship or boat to hold it in one place 抛(锚),停(船) SYN moor Three tankers were anchored in the harbor. 三艘油轮停泊在港口。2  FASTEN/DO UP[transitive] to fasten something firmly so that it cannot move 使稳固,使固定 The shelves should be securely anchored to the wall. 搁板应牢牢固定在墙上。n Grammar Anchor is usually passive in this meaning.3  be anchored in something CONNECTED WITHto be strongly connected with a particular system, way of life etc 扎根于〔某种体系、生活方式等〕 John’s outlook has always been anchored in the political mainstream. 约翰的观点一直植根于主流政治思想。4  SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLAN[transitive] to provide a feeling of support, safety, or help for someone or an organization 支持,保护,帮助 Steve anchors the team’s defense. 史蒂夫是该队的防守中坚力量。 Her life was anchored by her religion. 她的生活依靠宗教信仰支撑。5  AMT[transitive] American English to be the person who reads the news and introduces reports on television 主持〔电视新闻节目〕 SYN present Collins anchors the 6 o'clock news. 科林斯主持6点钟的新闻节目。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusanchor• The importance of self-esteem To be assertive you need to have your self-esteem well anchored.• If words had weight, a single sentence from Death would have anchored a ship.• We anchored about fifty yards away.• The new hour-long program is anchored by Mark McEwen.• The new company will be anchored by the Hobart food-equipment group.• The panel was firmly anchored by two large bolts.• Captain Cook anchored in Opunohu Bay in the 1760s.• Designers are considering enlarging and strengthening the concrete foundations, and anchoring them into Bay soils with steel pilings.• I use long lengths of floating row cover, anchored with bricks and stones, on annual and perennial beds.Origin anchor1 (800-900) Latin anchora, from Greek ankyraan·chor1 nounanchor2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  is of metal a Corpus lowered heavy piece that




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