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单词 landing net
释义  Related topics: Other sportsˈlanding net noun [countable] British English  DSOa net on a long handle used for lifting a fish out of the water after you have caught it 抄网〔用以捞取上钩的鱼〕Examples from the Corpuslanding net• Use a large landing net, somewhat larger than the size of fish you hope to catch.• You need only one landing net, one keepnet, one set of scales, etc. if you fish close to each other.• Then I fetch my rod, landing net, loaf and rod-rest.• My chair and everything apart from the rod, landing net and loaf, are left up the bank.• As the trout began to tire, I fumbled for the landing net.ˈlanding net nounChineseSyllable  lifting a long handle net used Corpus for a on




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