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单词 Comparable to
1. Its brain is closely comparable to the brain of a chimpanzee.
2. Farmers were meant to get an income comparable to that of townspeople.
3. Our prices are comparable to/with those in other shops.
4. The situation in the US is not directly comparable to that in the UK.
5. These bonds are comparable to floating-rate term loans.
6. Their failure to attain status comparable to that of older market-sector professions corrodes' middle class, conservatism.
7. The consequences of compulsive gambling are comparable to those of any other addictive disease and are not simply those of financial loss.
8. For others it meant something comparable to an across-the-curriculum approach to the teaching of study skills.
9. This is comparable to telling a friend who is helplessly in debt to ask his or her boss for a salary cut.
10. This is a feat of mythic proportions, comparable to extracting gold from sea water-or helium-3 from the lunar regolith.
11. We investigated whether this drug was comparable to standard first-line monotherapy in efficacy and incidence of adverse events.
12. This is comparable to wearing a mail shirt or breastplate, conferring a D6 saving throw of 6.
12. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
13. And yet with flexural and impact strengths comparable to the very highest quality conventional concrete roof tiles.
14. Costing of material - could be comparable to that produced for Will Aid? 6.
15. Even if the comets had strengths comparable to that of stony asteroids, they still could not fit the Tunguska observations.
16. The cost is comparable to what you find at natural-foods groceries and farmers' markets.
17. They are, in fact(), comparable to those of traditional jazz recordings.
18. The townsmen developed no organizational bases comparable to those of Western cities, no craft guilds or town councils.
19. The effect of the conservatory has been comparable to kiln drying.
20. No other country at that time had an organized public opinion remotely comparable to Britain's.
21. The scar tissue with which animals seal their wounds is not directly comparable to the callus tissue of plants.
22. A blanket lien is the least complex arrangement and is comparable to pledging accounts receivable.
23. First, he argued that the risks to kids from smoking were comparable to drinking milk.
24. The access of foreign correspondents to government officials and documents is comparable to that in the United States.
25. The flare of its passage is as bright as-10. 5 magnitude, comparable to a crescent Moon.
26. The agency said Abbott falsely claimed that one serving of Ensure provides nutrients comparable to a multivitamin.
27. By 1914, strike action was running at a rate comparable to that of 1905.
28. Microsoft said the calls, being much lower level functions, are not comparable to APIs.
29. No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden. Thomas Jefferson 
30. Simply improving the performance of the pattern recognition module will not produce a recognition performance comparable to that of a human.
1. Its brain is closely comparable to the brain of a chimpanzee.
2. Farmers were meant to get an income comparable to that of townspeople.
31. These developments were comparable to the temperance, nativist, and abolitionist movements of the 1830s and early 1840s.
32. Impeaching a president, however, is not comparable to the removal of a prime minister.
33. The territory was comparable to a protected State with added supervision by the League of Nations.
34. Television, a medium of hits and stars, turns political personalities into national celebrities comparable to entertainment stars.
35. The energy of this hydrogen bonding is comparable to that of the torsion-angle strain.
36. The size of a dolphin's brain is comparable to a human's.
37. From this perspective, the rioters are not a unique group but rather are comparable to others in the urban underclass.
38. This, we contended, could provide a financial return comparable to that from a new building.
39. Such a wage would have been comparable to or even slightly better than that paid to other craftsmen in the area.
40. To their creaking and grumbling was added a new note, comparable to music.
41. If the total is comparable to a hobby and there is time and money in the budget for it, fine.
42. Is the pay rate comparable to that of other companies?
42. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
43. It expects all three new companies to have dividend policies comparable to similar companies in their industries.
44. No one can be comparable to him.
45. There is nothing comparable to it in diplomatic history.
46. Extremozymes have unique biocatalytic function comparable to those prevailing enzymes in food processes.
47. The expressive power of XQuery is comparable to the criterion of "relational completeness" defined for database query languages, though no such formal standard has been defined for an XML data model.
48. Spielberg told Entertainment Weekly: "Just as there will never be another Fred Astaire or Chuck Berry or Elvis Presley, there will never be anyone comparable to Michael Jackson.
49. Comparable to it , perhaps , is only Corot's " Farmland " in painting, and Chopin's " Nocturne " in music.
50. The air separation ability of the CMS which was prepared from the char of Lingwu non-caking coal under the optimum process conditions is comparable to that of the commercial CMS imported from abroad.
51. Tullow Oil, the FTSE 100 company leading the exploration, believes the exploitable deposits could exceed 1.5bn barrels, reserves comparable to Equatorial Guinea and the Republic of Chad .
52. Realistically the variation of the molecular energies -- that variation is going to be comparable to the energy itself. To the average energy.
53. We only ask that your prices be comparable to others.
54. They are more comparable to Logical partitioning, as each virtual partition is assigned its own resources.
55. Mr. Spielberg told Entertainment Weekly: “Just as there will never be another Fred Astaire or Chuck Berry or Elvis Presley, there will never be anyone comparable to Michael Jackson.
56. Therefore, a need exists for an orthopaedic instrument which is lighter than an all-metal instrument but which provides wearability comparable to the all-metal instrument.
57. Measurements of the impedance of a cylindrical antenna in an isotropic plasma and a comparison with theory have been made. The length of the antenna is comparable to the free space length.
58. The yields of aldehydes produced in this sequential process are comparable to the two - step method.
59. Mean body wts. of rats dosed with THPS or THPC were comparable to those of the vehicle controls.
60. The Qin government accelerated the technological and agricultural advancements of Sichuan making it comparable to that of the Huang He (Yellow River) Valley.
61. Play poker" thousands" of fully comparable to the magician, to become a true all-around ' Cyclops ' must practice the lascivious child, but which is also the most difficult to practice.
62. The chemical components in the tall oil are comparable to those in the acetone extractives from the Pinus massoniana groundwood pulp.
63. Putting a 14x multiple on those earnings that's comparable to other pure play cable assets, he gets to $14.54 per share of Good NWS alone.
64. The birth of the Nautilus literally added a new dimension to undersea warfare... some admirals to so far as to call it a "quantum jump" comparable to the shift from sail to steam.
65. Gates moved into a realm of wealth comparable to that of John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, two titans of an earlier age of dynamic economic growth.
66. Built from carbon fibres and balsa wood, Snowbird has a wing span of 32m (105 feet) - comparable to a Boeing 737.
67. In my first semester, I found myself being taught by a Pulitzer prizewinner and was submerged in a level of work comparable to the A-level cramming period.
68. The St. Regis is a luxury retreat on a generous stretch of beach arguably among the better stretches of sin Asia, comparable to Phuket or Bali, ideal for walks, sun bathing swimming.
69. IVC seals depict animals, perhaps as the object of veneration, comparable to the zoomorphic aspects of some Hindu gods.
70. agency intends to give the monkeys repeated low doses of radiation, comparable to what astronauts would experience outside the Earth's protective magnetic shield.
71. The survival over the first two years of regular haemodialysis in amyloidosis is roughly comparable to that in renal failure caused by diabetes.
72. In fact, in his criticism,[] has also developed a modal logic with non-modal logic truth table semantics sentence comparable to the form of semantics.
73. Insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man.
74. There is no folklore of a Chinese burden comparable to Gulf War syndrome or Agent Orange, sickening waves of foreigners long after their in-country exposure.
75. This table is comparable to the adjacency database used by OSPF. There is a neighbor table for each protocol that EIGRP supports.
76. Always look for focal length, which is rendered in terms of "35mm equivalent, " or what it would be comparable to in a 35mm film camera.
77. The epinephrine dose causing arrhythmias with sevoflurane was comparable to that with isoflurane, but larger than that with halothane or enflurane.
78. Formerly called the Trust Territory, Micronesia possesses only two-thirds the land area of Rhode Island, yet lies scattered over an expanse of ocean comparable to the contiguous United States.
79. These climate changes are well comparable to the Pipa Lake, Caribbean Sea and the northern Sea.
80. The authors note that neurocognitive test performance over the duration of treatment was comparable to that of a matched group of controls.
81. Priced at $2,699, the A2B is not cheap, but it is comparable to a high-end racing bike and less expensive than a standard motor scooter.
82. Though the latest study was done in Denmark, Blum said it's comparable to the U.S. Access to abortion is similar in both countries though Denmark tends to be more conservative.
83. The results showed that CZ-601 was comparable to and could replace the imported product of the same kind in processability and heat stability.
84. The amphibolite and basic granulite may be comparable to the world's metamorphic tholeiite.
85. i 6.1 with POWER6 processor based-servers and a new Fibre Channel Adapter can deliver performance with the DS8000 that's comparable to internal disk.
86. Only Chile has a modern transport network comparable to China's, and even there railways are neglected.
87. At the Frick Collection, there has been "no apples-to-apples incident" comparable to the damaged Picasso, said Heidi Rosenau, a spokeswoman.
88. You inadvertently at a corner efforts core-pulling, climbing roses should not comparable to the noble peony.
89. The bulbs are estimated to last up to 6,000 hours, which is comparable to CFLs, and three to four times as long as incandescent bulbs.
90. The sensation is comparable to the epiphany that Adolf Loos , the Viennese architect, experienced when he stepped off a steamship in New York Harbor more than a century ago.
91. This image coding algorithm is comparable to the JPEG 2000 coding standard in the coding efficiency.
92. No pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the vantage ground of truth.
93. One limiting factor is the viewing angle, which is comparable to using a camera lens: a telephoto lens has a narrower view than a wide-angle lens.
94. And to hear anything in America comparable to the know-nothing diatribes of Germany's finance minister you have to listen to, well, Republicans.
95. In fact, the risk associated with atherogenic dyslipidemia was comparable to that in people with previous cardiovascular disease (17.3 percent versus 18.1 percent).
96. When the mean distance between water droplets or crystals is comparable to the wavelength of the electromagnetic signals, severe attenuation can occur.
97. The depth in phantom or body may be comparable to the range of the electrons.
98. This spring, Ingendesign will start building 1:1 prototypes to be placed along Lake Balaton in Hungary, where wind-conditions are comparable to those along Colombian shores.
99. Simulation results show that, the precision of the weighted model is comparable to that of the linear model.
100. Both of them were comparable to each other in denervation potential.
101. For a loss modulation where the threshold carrier density may change, the neglected term may become comparable to the retained first order small quantity.
102. A generic drug product is one that is comparable to an innovator drug product in dosageform, strength, route of administration, quality,[/comparable to.html] performance characteristics and intended use.
103. The frigate is comparable to the French La Fayette class stealthy frigate in size and general performance, but it may not be as stealthy as the La Fayette class.
104. In some instances, the price of owning can be comparable to renting in the long run.
105. Kids raised in authoritarian households got grades comparable to kids from what we called authoritative households, where you had strictness accompanied by warmth and encouragement of self-direction.
106. he sensation is comparable to the epiphany that Adolf Loos, the Viennese architect, experienced when he stepped off a steamship in New York Harbor more than a century ago.
107. The higher value is comparable to those obtained in CVD epitaxy.
108. No horse has a speed comparable to that of his.
109. Guangdong with the famous almond cake, pie comparable to the blind.
110. The permanence of images produced by the system are comparable to those produced by electrophotography.
111. The music of Irving Berlin is scarcely comparable to that of Beethoven.
112. Mortality rates from intergroup violence among chimpanzees, the Harvard University anthropologist Richard Wrangham reports, are roughly comparable to rates observed among human hunter-gatherers.
113. These data show that Aandia has a cardiovascular safety profile comparable to other oral antidiabetic medicines.
114. The degrees of automation being used today in MDD vary from deriving simple skeleton code to generating complete automatic code (which is comparable to traditional compilation).
115. Initial cost is comparable to that of by-pass cooled or external cooled jacketed motor.
116. We only ask that your prices be comparable to others. That's reasonable, isn't it?
117. This superbly detailed view reveals its bright nucleus, grand spiral arms and sweeping cosmic dust lanes with a scale comparable to the Milky Way.
118. CONCLUSIONS: Balloon dilation of the frontal ostia has a posttreatment patency rate comparable to those of other endoscopic revision techniques.
119. Hybrid constructs were comparable to all - screw constructs in correction of coronal plane deformity and sagittal balance.
120. The music of Irving Berlin is scarcely comparable to that of Beethove.
121. Many teashops, restaurants and cafes offer a teatime comparable to those in Europe.
122. In consequence Java applications achieve start-up times comparable to a warm start.
123. Apronounced anti - inflammatory effect, which is comparable to the one observed after immunotherapy , is characteristic for steroids.
124. The antidepressant effect of regular physical exercise is comparable to the potent antidepressants like Zoloft.
125. A leader who moves by guess work, without practical, definite plans, is comparable to a ship without a rudder. Sooner or later he will land on the rocks"."
125. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
126. At millimeter-wave band, Fresnel Zone Plate (FZP) antenna has the advantages of simple structure, planar configuration and low cost, while giving performance comparable to the parabolic antenna.
127. They aim to improve execution speed so that it is comparable to that of native code.
128. It has one of the best picture galleries in Europe, comparable to the National Gallery.
129. Since Ship Wood can withstand years of water erosion, is far from the general nature of its wood may well be comparable to wood, so durability is a good ship where the most attractive wood.
130. The product performance and can be comparable to similar imported materials.
131. According to animal research, Terminalia arjuna may help maintain healthy phospholipid and triglyceride levels, and has demonstrated antioxidant activities comparable to vitamin E.
132. Conclusion. Surgical correction of both the frontal and sagittal plane deformity are comparable to anterior instrumentation.
133. Steady - state heat flow is comparable to the flow of an incompressible fluid.




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