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单词 doggie
释义  dog·gie /ˈdɒɡi $ ˈdɒː-/ noun [countable]  x-refanother spelling of doggy doggy的另一种拼法Examples from the Corpusdoggie• A man who identified himself as Peter said he looks forward to the holiday doggie goodies.• Spider was fucken huh doggie style.• I think I would make a lovely doggie model.• Molly receives a box of doggie goodies and the runners-up will receive, by post, a special gift.• If you can only get to go to one doggie event, this is the one that has it all.• The nature of that doggie world of thought is closed to most of us.• During the general election the doggie vote could hold the balance of power.• To help the doggies along, Mercer sounds a horn that emits an ear-piercing wail from his·gie nounChineseSyllable  spelling of another doggy Corpus




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