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单词 Clinton
1 President Clinton is due to visit the country next month.
2 Mr Clinton singled out education as a vital tool in bridging the gap between rich and poor.
3 Mrs Clinton was huddled with advisers at her headquarters.
4 Clinton carried his campaign into Republican areas.
5 Clinton ran a second time in 1996.
6 He grumbled about this to Mr. Clinton.
7 As darkness fell, Clinton gave orders for his men to rest.
8 The polls showed Clinton leading Bush 55 percent to 34 percent.
9 President Clinton has been making a full-court press for Catholic voters.
10 Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.
11 Bill Clinton heralded at his Second Inaugural Address that the journey of our America must go on.
12 The Clinton administration last winter assembled the $50 billion emergency bailout package to ease a financial crisis in Mexico.
13 Clinton and Zedillo ordered their respective Cabinets to devise a common counter-drug strategy.
14 Clinton had an uncanny ability to sense the pulse of the nation.
15 Unlike his more famous namesake, this Bill Clinton has little interest in politics.
16 Clinton was praised on all sides for his warm manner and diplomatic approach.
17 The Americans chose Mr Clinton as president / to be president.
18 He argues that the Congress and President Clinton trampled the constitutional rights of legal immigrants in the new welfare reform law.
19 Next month he will be appearing as Clinton in a new play on Broadway.
20 Clinton had cast himself as the candidate of new economic opportunity.
21 William Jefferson Clinton was sworn in as the 42nd President of the United States of America.
22 Precedents during the Clinton administration were not encouraging, however.
23 In 1996, President Clinton made an equally audacious promise.
24 President Clinton grew up in an abusive home.
25 Clinton has appointed three successors to the vacant posts.
26 Clinton: Favors legal abortion, with few restrictions.
27 For Clinton, winning approval and re-election have counted most.
28 Clinton, as usual, was merely anxious to please.
29 She went on the campaign trail around the Southern states with Clinton before the 1992 election.
30 They were visited by the unlikely figure of Bill Clinton.
1 President Clinton is due to visit the country next month.
2 Mr Clinton singled out education as a vital tool in bridging the gap between rich and poor.
31 Clinton announced his intention to name Rep.
32 Hillary Clinton nee Rodham .
33 Under an agreement between Clinton and then-Gov.
34 Nevertheless, Mr Clinton said he was hoping to meet again with Sen.
35 And Bob Dole, he's trying to get him to answer and this Clinton he just keeps on smiling.
36 President Clinton is on the verge of deciding how best to pursue an international ban on land mines.
37 They are demanding that Clinton accept much of their proposal before they will increase the debt ceiling limit.
38 The carrier and an accompanying armada of escort ships gave Clinton a 21-gun salute.
39 Republican Congressional leaders have launched a rhetorical assault against the Clinton proposal this week.
40 Clinton was seen as a strong advocate for a variety of educational improvements.
41 Few doubt that if Mr Clinton asked for congressional approval for air strikes, he would get it.
42 But Clinton has an agile mind and he learns quickly.
43 President Clinton is also tinkering with private pension plans to finance his own social agenda.
44 A spokesman for President Clinton said federal teams were still assessing the damage.
45 The administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Thursday that Clinton also is considering Nevada Gov.
46 Should Clinton win, that official announcement would herald the biggest clearout of personnel the White House has seen.
47 Self-interest now propels both Clinton and Republican leaders in Congress to reach accommodation on issues that long have divided them.
48 Emerson concedes that the new Clinton administration sometimes failed to communicate effectively.
49 He said he hopes Clinton will follow through on his pledge to restore aid to legal immigrants in later legislation.
50 Taking the long view of things, Clinton insists his budget plan would assure balanced budgets well into the next century.
51 Clinton used his weekly radio address to urge Congress to pass a health-care overhaul bill sponsored by Sen.
52 It is in their region, plus California, that Dole and Clinton probably will stage their fiercest battle for electoral votes.
53 The Clinton administration favors paying the debt over several years but has been unable to persuade Congress to appropriate the money.
54 Dole accused Clinton of improperly claiming credit for a number of measures of national economic health.
55 Has barely campaigned in Iowa. During his limited appearances, has mostly attacked President Clinton.
56 Some are ambivalent about Bill Clinton and his stewardship of the nation.
57 Then, Clinton also intervened, without appointing an emergency board, by appealing to both parties to agree to binding arbitration.
58 The Republicans happen to loathe Americorps simply because it is identified with their archrival Clinton.
59 Also, as the Senate leader, Dole can contrast himself with Clinton with a legislative agenda that reinforces his campaign message.
60 If the budget is actually balanced because of Clinton, his comparative stature in the annals of history will grow only modestly.
61 White House aides said Clinton will map proposed tax breaks specifically aimed at helping community college students.
62 All bore ugly scars from repeated knife fights on the streets and in the dives around Clinton Avenue.
63 Clinton also issued a federal report showing 65 percent of public schools have access to the Internet.
64 After an eight-day Wyoming vacation and his birthday bashes, Clinton returns to work Tuesday.
65 In a secret ballot of reporters who have covered both, Dole would probably defeat President Clinton.
66 But when the election rolled around last Tuesday, gays and lesbians in large numbers stood by Clinton.
67 A recent poll gives President Clinton the same 60 percent public approval rating that Ronald Reagan brought to his second term.
68 In some ways that is a more serious abuse than any yet alleged against Clinton.
69 Three, in one form or another, are still in the budget bill passed by Congress and vetoed by President Clinton.
70 Also, questions arose about the methods Clinton used to avoid the draft in 1968.
71 Any information regarding Foster has attracted extraordinary attention because he was a friend of Mrs Clinton and later committed suicide.
72 But President Clinton and his political foes are not far apart in their critical attitude toward the international body.
73 The Clinton campaign does not accept money from political action committees through which teacher unions funnel their contributions.
74 Or Republicans could try to cut a deal with congressional Democrats in the hope that Mr Clinton would come aboard later.
75 Moakley urged President Clinton to lift the embargo in a letter last April.
76 But the experts rated Reno seventh for implementing the Clinton agenda.
77 President Clinton called attention to the broader issues with his veto of the balanced budget act.
78 The contradictions in the Clinton policy were trenchantly described in a recent article by Robert Kagan, a former Reagan administration official.
79 The speech addressed problems often discussed by President Clinton, but offered some starkly different solutions.
80 Dole may receive some help from the national Republican Party, which is already planning to run ads criticizing Clinton administration policies.
81 During the campaign, Clinton acknowledged the need to fix the programs and said it should be done in a bipartisan way.
82 In announcing the decision, Clinton and senior aides claimed a major diplomatic victory for the administration.
83 If they are right, then Clinton, barnstorming to the end and almost hoarse, should do it.
83 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
84 The Clinton administration has proposed expanding Operation Restore Trust nationwide by allocating it $ 597 million under the fiscal 1997 budget proposal.
85 They met when Clinton was attorney general of Arkansas and Riady was an intern at an investment bank there.
86 Clinton said as rain pounded down at the air base, where he landed.
87 Congress and President Clinton have approved budgets for some agencies for fiscal 1996, which began Oct. 1.
88 No more: Mr Clinton won eight western states last November and is acutely sensitive to western politics.
89 It goes beyond their belief that Clinton is, at heart, a liberal.
90 Clinton ventured to Capitol Hill Tuesday night enjoying the highest public approval ratings of his presidency.
91 President Clinton has said he will act to stop the war spreading to Kosovo, but few in Kosovo believe his promises.
92 Clinton repeated his call, made in his first inaugural address in 1993, for political reform.
93 Even Bush's adopted home state of Texas gave Clinton a five percent lead.
94 Still, it was superior to the acceptance speech delivered by Clinton two weeks later in Chicago.
95 Clinton admitted that Flowers had been an acquaintance, but strongly denied that he had had an affair with her.
96 The ad includes video of Clinton speaking at a Houston fund-raiser, where he made the admission about the taxes.
97 In most instances, Clinton is a step removed from the alleged violations.
98 But there is much Clinton can do in the four years that lie ahead of him in his second term.
99 And if Clinton wins it, George Bush can start packing his bags.
100 In public, the Clinton administration is declining to assign responsibility for the long deadlock.
101 Clinton syphoned off suburban traditional Republican voters while still commanding backing from the poor and black Democrats in the inner-cities.
102 Any successful scheme would require careful attention to the vision that the city and the community had for Clinton.
103 But we have to admit that Mr Clinton has preserved much more moral authority and effectiveness in office than ever seemed possible.
104 After becoming president, Clinton was praised for pledging to enact a measure to lift the ban on homosexuals in the military.
105 He did several newspaper interviews Friday, his first extended on-the-record sessions since Clinton announced his appointment in November.
106 If Bush wins, he should appoint Clinton as his secretary of state and give Gore a seat in the cabinet.
107 When Dole arrived in Wisconsin three days later to give his speech, newspaper articles were quoting Clinton on welfare.
108 Quinn is well-regarded within the White House and has been an important political adviser to Clinton.
109 Mrs Clinton unwittingly may have provided ample justification for that request.
110 Perhaps unwisely, Clinton has apologized for raising taxes in 1993.
111 California advances all sorts of reasons why Mr Clinton should not bother.
112 But President Clinton has threatened a veto if it contains the Gallegly amendment.
113 Now, however, the Clinton administration does not have the funds due to its budget battle with the Republican-controlled Congress.
114 Mr Clinton has signed appropriations bills funding seven cabinet agencies.
115 The Clinton administration said the agreement does not require congressional approval.
116 Clinton consistently supported women's right to abortion at a time when Bush adopted an anti-abortion stance.
117 Aside from meetings with Clinton and a senior State Department official, Fujimori spent most of his day here in public appearances.
118 The departure came just hours before Clinton triumphantly addressed the convention delegates, who unanimously nominated him for re-election Wednesday night.
119 The Clinton administration, though generally supporting open markets, had taken a neutral position on the banana question.
120 Clinton, according to aides who have spoken with him, thinks that most presidents fall into three categories.
121 Clinton and Brown overcame early political tensions to forge their strong alliance.
122 The animosity between Clinton and House Democrats is likely to endure.
123 Such clever agitprop worked well enough to get Clinton elected, but not well enough to make the programs work.
124 Naturalization Service has handled skyrocketing growth during the Clinton administration.
125 At the time, Berger was deputy national security adviser to President Clinton.
126 Clinton even turned snafus in the Northern Ireland peace process into potential political advantage.
127 They accused Clinton of using moralistic language to cloak protectionist policies aimed at restricting imports from Third World countries.
128 In 2000, Bill Clinton promised millions more dollars to fund AIDS vaccine research.
129 Fujimori is in Washington to attend an international meeting on small business lending and did not have an appointment with Clinton.
130 Clinton has managed to put social solidarity programmes back at the centre of the political agenda.
131 Clinton reiterated his interest Thursday during an afternoon meeting with the mayors at the White House.
132 President Clinton is asking Congress to increase federal aid to higher education by more than 50 percent by the year 2002.
133 Last January, an appellate court said all proceedings could begin while Clinton held office.
134 Clinton named a new assistant attorney general for civil rights, Deval Patrick, who persuaded the administration to switch sides.
135 President Clinton has said he will veto any attempt to overturn the ban.
136 Clinton has denied the allegation by Jones, who was a state employee at the time.
137 Then, in 1994, Clinton won a round when the Senate approved Deval Patrick without much controversy.
138 Clinton appeared unruffled by the last-minute hitch, delivering his hour-long address in a crisp and fluid style.
139 Clinton would support language banning the abortion technique as an elective procedure, another White House aide said.
140 This is the kind of argument that Clinton loves; it sets him on the middle ground.
141 That bill, approved Wednesday afternoon on a 64-32 vote, still faces significant opposition in the House and from President Clinton.
142 If no amending legislation is enacted within 180 days, the Clinton administration is free to proceed as planned, Riggs said.
143 But there are plenty of things that threaten anew to knock Clinton off his presidential perch.
144 The alternative for Clinton is to adopt a slower approach supported by the Pentagon and many in the White House.
145 Perhaps her greatest asset as ambassador was her access to President Clinton,(http:///clinton.html) whom she had known for many years.
146 However, Clinton has disregarded the debt ceiling law, allowing the nation to spiral further into debt.
147 Clinton also asked Glickman to report back within 30 days with recommendations to help alleviate debt problems afflicting cattle producers.
148 Once his political affiliation was declared as Republican, Powell came under considerable pressure to run against Bill Clinton in 1996.
149 But it also showed the presumptive Republican presidential nominee trailing Clinton among women voters 34 percent to 41 percent.
150 President Clinton had threatened a veto of the immigration bill if it included the Gallegly amendment.
151 In spite of the vote for Clinton in 1992, it is that second personality that has been in the ascendant recently.
152 Clinton has already staged dry-runs in 20 media markets, airing three 30-second television commercials last June at a cost of.
153 Clinton and Al Gore have become ardent defenders of a balanced budget and gay rights.
154 In recent months, Clinton has made a substantial about-face in his drug strategy.
155 When Jones sought an apology, a White House aide, supposedly speaking for Clinton, said the incident never happened.
156 But it was not at all clear that Clinton could win the election.
157 The Senate gave President Clinton a victory Thursday when lawmakers sustained his veto of a bill banning certain late-term abortions.
158 The same would be true if Clinton responds by scaring women about a flood of pro-life Dole-appointed judges.
159 Clinton on April 10 vetoed a bill that would have banned so-called partial birth abortions.
160 Clinton was said to be ready to confer with Reno in person and announce his decision as early as Friday.
161 After Clinton was elected in 1992, Herman was appointed head of the White House public liaison office.
162 Clinton backtracked and apologized the next day, and never raised the question again.
163 Dole called Clinton around noon, shortly before the afternoon announcement.
164 One reason is that Clinton is a far more adroit politician than Dukakis.
165 President Clinton is getting all sorts of suggestions as he goes about drafting his inaugural address.
166 This antipathy to conflict is endemic to Reagan and Clinton.
167 However, Clinton has no illusions that the Republican Congress would react favorably to a legislative agenda, McCurry said.
168 In a new television interview, he calls Mr Clinton a person without the background or experience for the office.
169 President Clinton does not support any of the above amendments.
170 Bill Clinton returned to Arkansas after completing law school.
171 His name is Bill Clinton.
172 My idol Bill Clinton got involved in several scandals.
173 Bill Clinton, most people say the affair involves a purely private matter.
174 In a speech to supporters, Mrs Clinton refused to concede the election.
175 This doubt remains a big obstacle to a Clinton comeback.
176 President Bill Clinton with's AIDS ambassador Pu Cunxin and Ho.
177 She and Bill Clinton as before, while activities on the world stage.
178 Bill Clinton promised to create " the most ethical administration in history "
179 Bill Clinton and his foundation are also active on other issues.
180 Do you know something about the pre - president Bill Clinton in U.S.A.
181 Gingrich appeared to succeed where Democratic President Bill Clinton had failed.
182 Only once Bill Clinton raise a significant example of foreign policy.
183 Your former President Bill Clinton identified nine horses within three minutes.
184 CNN: US President Bill Clinton will visit China this year.
185 He repeatedly discouraged Bill Clinton from trying to liquidate Mr bin Laden.
186 Has anyone ever told you you're a dead ringer for Bill Clinton?
187 They include American President Bill Clinton and Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:59:41