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单词 diverge
释义  Related topics: Transportdi·verge /daɪˈvɜːdʒ, də- $ -ɜːrdʒ/ verb [intransitive]  1  DIFFERENTif similar things diverge, they develop in different ways and so are no longer similar 朝不同方向演变;分化 The two species diverged millions of years ago. 这两个物种从数百万年前开始朝不同方向演变。 Global growth rates are diverging markedly. 世界各地的增长率在发生明显的分化。2  if opinions, interests etc diverge, they are different from each other 〔意见、兴趣等〕分歧,相异diverge from Here his views diverged from hers. 此处他的看法与她有分歧。3. TTif two lines or paths diverge, they separate and go in different directions 〔两条线或路〕岔开,分开 OPP converge —divergence noun [countable, uncountable] divergence between the US and Europe 美国和欧洲的分歧 —divergent adjective divergent views 有分歧的观点→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdiverge• At this point in the story, in the fall of 1986, my fortunes and the fortunes of my firm diverge.• The agendas of the press and the Republican electorate diverge dramatically during primary season, but not because of ideology.• How, he asked, could this be-unless each had diverged from the same ancestor?• When two trails diverge in a yellow wood, the one more worn tells you something.• In one aspect Kip and I did diverge in our thinking about Los Alamos.• But they tend to diverge into two types with respect to the information about features that is thought to be important.• For if species identification was the function of the stripes they would have diverged much more in the three cases.diverge from• Russia does not intend to diverge from the United Nations position on this issue.From Longman Business Dictionarydivergedi‧verge /daɪˈvɜːdʒ, də--ɜːrdʒ/ verb [intransitive]ECONOMICS if two or more rates of interest, unemployment etc diverge, the difference between them becomes largerBusiness cycles in different EU countries currently diverge significantly. → compare converge —divergent adjectiveUS stocks had widely divergent performances, with blue chips weakening as many technology issues made gains. —divergence noun [uncountable]the divergence between British and continental interest rates→ See Verb tableOrigin diverge (1600-1700) Medieval Latin divergere, from Latin vergere “to lean”di·verge verbChineseSyllable  ways things Business and they if diverge, Corpus in different develop so similar




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