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单词 distaste
释义 Word family  noun taste distaste tastefulness taster tasting adjective tasteful ≠ tasteless distasteful tasty verb taste adverb tastefully distastefully  dis·taste /dɪsˈteɪst/ noun [uncountable]  DON'T LIKEa feeling that something or someone is unpleasant or morally offensive 不喜欢,厌恶,反感distaste for her distaste for any form of compromise 她对任何形式的妥协的反感Examples from the Corpusdistaste• He had a distaste for violence, but in his business it was a necessity.• I stood behind him, trying to conceal my fear and distaste.• He held out his arms to Ion, who stepped back in cold distaste.• She suspected that his distaste for students was stimulated not so much by their ideas as by their youth.• I felt my mouth set in distaste.• She was shuddering in distaste when Travis came in carrying an armful of kindling, which he tossed down by the fire.• Gina moved away from me with a look of distaste on her face.• Sensing an improvement of story, Kent agreed even though nothing of distaste was uncovered.• He looked with distaste at the rotting timbers above them.• Oliver looked with distaste at my clothes.distaste for• The two men became friends, and spoke often of their distaste for war.dis·taste nounChineseSyllable  a is something that or feeling Corpus someone




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