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单词 figure of speech
释义  ˌfigure of ˈspeech noun [countable]  ALa word or expression that is used in a different way from the normal meaning, to give you a picture in your mind 修辞格,修辞手段;比喻Examples from the Corpusfigure of speech• But how could you begin to verify the fact of reincarnation, except as a figure of speech?• He said he used the phrase as a figure of speech, and did not mean to imply she was a coward.• And this, Marcy Lupino knew, was not a figure of speech.• A: It was a figure of speech, sir.• The word means an obscure figure of speech.• I found this word in the dictionary meant an obscure figure of speech.ˌfigure of ˈspeech nounChineseSyllable  or used in that a Corpus is expression word




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