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单词 an
释义  an /ən; strong æn/ ●●● S1 W1 indefinite article, determiner  XXused when the following word begins with a vowel sound 一(个)〔用于以元音开头的单词前〕 → a an orange 一个橘子 an X-ray 一次X光检查an- /ən, æn/ prefix  1. XXthe form used for a before a vowel sound 〔用于以元音开头的单词前,相当于a-〕2  NOT HAVEnot 无,没有 SYN without anarchy (=without government) 无政府状态 anoxia (=a condition caused by lack of oxygen) 缺氧Examples from the Corpusan-• anaerobic-an /ən/ (also -ean, -ian) suffix 1  [in adjectives and nouns]XX someone or something of, from, or connected with a particular thing, place, or person 与…有关的;与…有关的人[物] suburban 郊区的 Jamesian 詹姆斯的2  [in nouns]XX someone skilled in or studying a particular subject 精通[研究]…的人 a historian (=someone who studies history) 历史学家Examples from the Corpus-an• a Republican• an American• Appalachian music• Lutheran theology• suburban housing• the Roman EmpireOrigin -an Old French -en, from Latin -anusan indefinite articlean- prefix-an suffixChinese  with a when Corpus following begins vowel word used the




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