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单词 disinterest
释义 Word family  noun interest ≠ disinterest adjective interested ≠ disinterested ≠ uninterested interesting ≠ uninteresting verb interest adverb interestingly disinterestedly  dis·in·terest /dɪsˈɪntrɪst/ noun [uncountable]  1  INTERESTEDa lack of interest 无兴趣disinterest in The exception to Balfour’s disinterest in social issues was education. 贝尔福对社会问题不感兴趣,教育则是例外。2. when you are able to judge a situation fairly because you are not involved in it 客观,公正无私Examples from the Corpusdisinterest• Abstraction and disinterest were prized over concern, or even fitness with the real world.• Professional associations would seem to be well placed in terms of expertise and disinterest to carry out this kind of selection.• Such inner poise and disinterest are fundamental to every spiritual practice, for without them the richness of awareness is impeded.• I wave a fluttery wave of inconsequential cheerfulness and close the door, having reached new heights of cynical disinterest.• His refusal to talk to the media is but the latest example of his disinterest in assuming any leadership responsibilities.• Certainly, I do not pretend any scholarly disinterest with this book.• Despite the increase in incidents of police abuse, the department showed disinterest in prosecuting police officers for brutality.• From the beginning, they have echoed their disinterest in matters like chart placings and mass popularity.disinterest in• He's already showing a widespread disinterest in politics.dis·in·terest nounChineseSyllable  lack of a Corpus interest




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