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单词 disastrous
释义 Word family  noun disaster adjective disastrous adverb disastrously  di·sas·trous /dɪˈzɑːstrəs $ dɪˈzæ-/ ●●○ adjective  FAILDISASTERvery bad, or ending in failure 灾难性的,以失败告终的 a disastrous first marriage 以失败告终的第一次婚姻disastrous effects/consequences/results Climate change could have disastrous effects on Earth. 气候变化可能给地球带来灾难性的影响。 The move proved disastrous (=was disastrous) for the company. 这一行动对公司来说是一场灾难。 —disastrously adverbExamples from the Corpusdisastrous• I can see that for the marine fishkeeper, a bad test kit could be disastrous.• To have had more public spending rather than less would have been disastrous.• There was a fault in the engine design, which had disastrous consequences.• a disastrous early marriage• A disastrous fire destroyed much of the city in the early 1900s.• Used carelessly, they can be disastrous for companies, governments, and investors.• So I am hoping, sirs, that you can decide between their claims, and avoid such a disastrous outcome.• A disastrous pesticide spill killed all water life along 40 miles of the river.• He worked the bellows furiously, with disastrous results.• Much of the damage wrought by the disastrous three-day storm was still apparent.proved disastrous• From time to time Jos would look over Mungo's shoulder, suggesting tactics which invariably proved disastrous.• His attempts to dangle babies on his knee had proved disastrous.• Mrs Roper and I were entitled to legal aid, but unfortunately Mrs McNeil wasn't, and that proved disastrous.• A small number of these experiments proved disastrous for both members and the larger society.• That moved proved disastrous for the Cardinals, who were 12-20 under Ryan.• And what worked for a partnership proved disastrous in a publicly owned corporation.di·sas·trous adjectiveChineseSyllable  very Corpus ending bad, or failure in




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