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单词 dirty
释义  dirt·y1 /ˈdɜːti $ ˈdɜːr-/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective (comparative dirtier, superlative dirtiest)  1  not clean 不干净DIRTY covered in or marked by an unwanted substance 肮脏的,有灰尘的 OPP clean a stack of dirty dishes in the sink 洗涤槽里的一堆脏碟子 How did you get so dirty? 你怎么会弄得这么脏?dirty clothes/washing/laundry She circled the bedroom, picking up dirty clothes. 她在卧室里转了一圈,把脏衣服收拾起来。2  sex 色情SYSEX/HAVE SEX WITH relating to sex, in a way that is considered immoral or unpleasant 下流的,黄色的,色情的,猥亵的 kids telling dirty jokes 讲着下流笑话的年轻人 a dirty magazine 色情杂志 She looked at me as if I had said a dirty word. 她看我的样子,就像我说了句脏话似的。have a dirty mind British English (=think about sex a lot) 满脑子下流事dirty weekend British English (=a weekend when a man and woman who are not married to each other go away to have sex) 风流周末〔指非夫妻关系的男女周末外出厮混〕3  bad/immoral 坏的/不道德的BAD used to emphasize that you think someone or something is bad, dishonest, or immoral 卑鄙的,不道德的 You’re a dirty liar! 你这个下贱的骗子! a dirty fighter 卑鄙的拳手 you and your dirty little deals 你和你那些肮脏的交易do the dirty on somebody British English (=treat someone in a way that is unfair or dishonest) 耍弄某人;亏待某人 What a dirty trick! 多么卑鄙的伎俩!4  something is a dirty word BADif something is a dirty word, people believe it is a bad thing even if they do not know or think much about it 某个词是忌讳 SYN swear word ‘Liberal’ has somehow become a dirty word in America. “自由” 一词不知怎么的在美国变成了犯忌的字眼。5  give somebody a dirty look DISAPPROVEto look at someone in a very disapproving way 厌恶地看某人一眼 Susan gave her brother a dirty look. 苏珊狠狠地瞪了弟弟一眼。6  dirty trick a dishonest or unfair action, especially done by a government, company, or organization 卑鄙伎俩,卑鄙勾当 political dirty tricks 卑鄙的政治伎俩7  wash your dirty linen/laundry  (also air your dirty laundry American English) to discuss something embarrassing or bad about yourself where everyone can see, know, or hear 把丑事外扬,使丑事公开 The divorce has meant airing their dirty laundry in court. 离婚意味着要在法庭上公开他们的家丑。8  do somebody’s dirty work UNPLEASANTDISHONESTto do an unpleasant or dishonest action for someone, so that they do not have to do it themselves 替某人干他不愿干的工作[卑鄙的事] I’m not talking to him; you do your own dirty work! 我可不去跟他说,这种烂事你自己去做!9. it’s a dirty job, but someone has to do itbut someone has to do it it’s a dirty job used to say that something is unpleasant to do, but that it is necessary – often used humorously 事情是很讨厌,但总得有人去干〔常为幽默用法〕10. drugs 毒品MDD American English informal containing or possessing illegal drugs 含有[拥有]毒品的11. dirty bomb a bomb that contains a radioactive substance which makes the bomb more dangerous than bombs containing only traditional explosives 脏弹〔含放射性物质的炸弹〕12  sport 体育运动 a dirty sports event is one in which people competing in the event have illegally used drugs to improve their performance 运动员使用禁药的 Many people think that the race has been a dirty event for years. 很多人认为多年来这项比赛中的运动员都使用禁药。n13  environment producing pollution or carbon dioxide dirty forms of energy —dirtily adverb THESAURUSdirty not clean 肮脏的His clothes were untidy and he had dirty hands. 他穿着邋遢,两只手很脏。filthy very dirty 极脏的Each year filthy water causes millions of cases of illness. 每年,不洁净的水引发数百万人生病。muddy covered with mud 沾满泥的,泥泞的It had been raining hard and the path was muddy. 下了很大的雨,小路很泥泞。dusty covered with dust 布满灰尘的the dusty shelves in the attic 阁楼上布满灰尘的搁架greasy covered with oil or grease 沾满油污的;油腻的Greasy food is bad for your health. 油腻的食物有害健康。grubby (also mucky British English) informal fairly dirty and needing to be cleaned or washed 肮脏的,邋遢的He was wearing a grubby white T-shirt. 他穿着一件邋遢的白T恤。mucky fingers 满是污垢的手指grimy covered with thick dirt or dirt that has been there a long time 积满灰尘的I couldn’t see much out of the grimy windows of the train. 火车车窗上积满灰尘,我看不清楚外面。dingy /ˈdɪndʒi/ looking dark, dirty, and unpleasant. Used about rooms, houses, and buildings 〔房间或建筑〕阴暗而肮脏的We worked in a dingy little office behind the station. 我们在车站后面一间又暗又脏的小办公室里上班。polluted used about land, water, or air that has been made dirty 〔土地、水或空气〕被污染的85% of city dwellers breathe heavily polluted air. 的城市居民呼吸着严重污染的空气。contaminated made dirty by a dangerous substance or bacteria 〔被危险物质或细菌〕污染的The virus is mainly spread through contaminated food. 这种病毒主要通过受污染的食物传播。squalid /ˈskwɒləd $ ˈskwɑː-/ formal extremely dirty and unpleasant. Used about the place or conditions in which someone lives 〔某人居住的地方或环境〕非常肮脏的People are living in squalid conditions, with little water and no sanitation. 人们住在肮脏的环境里,没有足够的水,也没有卫生设备。unhygienic /ʌnhaɪˈdʒiːnɪk◂ $ -ˈdʒe-, -ˈdʒiː-/ formal used about dirty conditions that are likely to cause disease, especially conditions in kitchens, restaurants, and hospitals 〔尤指厨房、餐厅和医院的环境〕不卫生的The food was prepared under unhygienic conditions. 这些食物是在不卫生的环境下制成的。unsanitary (also insanitary British English) formal used about dirty conditions that are likely to cause disease, especially because there is not a good system for getting rid of waste 〔尤因废物处理不善而〕不卫生的,卫生条件差的People’s health is being threatened by overcrowded and insanitary homes. 住房过度拥挤,卫生条件恶劣,民众的健康正在遭受威胁。They work for long hours in unsanitary conditions. 他们在脏乱的环境里长时间工作。soiled formal made dirty, especially by waste from your body 〔尤指被排泄物弄脏而〕污秽的Soiled nappies should be changed as quickly as possible. 尿布脏了要尽快更换。Examples from the Corpusdirty• How did the floor get so dirty?• We were hot and dirty after working in the garden all afternoon.• He used to keep a collection of dirty books hidden under his bed.• Do you have any dirty clothes you need me to wash?• The air in El Paso is arguably the dirtiest in Texas, violating federal standards for ozone, carbon monoxide and particulates.• Take off those dirty jeans.• Having to lay employees off is a dirty job.• They just sit around telling dirty jokes - it's very boring.• I didn't anticipate spending days mucking out some of the dirtiest piggeries I had ever seen.• The government led a dirty war against its own citizens.• Look how dirty your hands are!have a dirty mind• You psychologists all have dirty minds.dirty2 adverb informal  1  play dirty informal DISHONESTto behave in a very unfair and dishonest way, especially in a competition or game 〔尤指在比赛或游戏时〕耍花招,使用卑鄙手段 a team that plays dirty 比赛不老实的球队2. talk dirty informal RUDE/OBSCENEto talk about sex using offensive words 讲下流话3  dirty great/dirty big BIG British English spoken extremely big 极大的 a dirty great snake 一条巨蛇dirty3 verb (dirtied, dirtying, dirties) [intransitive, transitive]  1. DIRTYto make something dirty 弄脏,(使)变脏2  to make someone feel or seem bad, dishonest, or immoral 玷污,侮辱〔名声〕 The army’s actions dirtied its reputation. 这支军队的行为败坏了自己的名声。3. dirty your hands to do hard physical work, in which your hands become dirty 干体力活,干粗活,干重活→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdirty• He opened a book with his thumbnail, as if afraid of dirtying his fingers.• As he stood on the pavement, muddy water splashed up and dirtied his trousers.• The army, long seen as standing above the fray, dirtied its reputation in Kashmir earlier this year.• There were cigarette butts and dirtied napkins everywhere.• You can borrow my gloves, but please try not to dirty them.From Longman Business Dictionarydirtydirt‧y /ˈdɜːtiˈdɜːr-/ adjective unfair or dishonesta dirty political campaignrevelations about dirty dealing in the Treasury bond marketHe accused the government of dirty tricks against the Republicans.dirt·y1 adjective →THESAURUS1dirty2 adverbdirty3 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  unwanted covered marked Corpus an in or Business substance by




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