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单词 legal aid
释义  ˌlegal ˈaid noun [uncountable]  a system in which a government gives money to people who need a lawyer but cannot afford to pay for one 〔政府为请不起律师的人提供的〕法律援助 They have been granted legal aid and now intend to take their case to court. 他们已经获得法律援助,现在打算向法庭提起诉讼。Examples from the Corpuslegal aid• A major factor accounting for this development is the absence of legal aid for representation before tribunals.• It is important to have a clear understanding of the impact of legal aid on tribunal representation.• Best to let Mr Surkov see the duty solicitor on legal aid.• With reduced legal aid payouts and a tough new means test for applicants looming, it could spell financial disaster.• Thus the legal aid scheme permits those eligible to take the risk of litigation at the possible expense of the Fund.• The legal aid scheme developed over the decades as a means of paying for a lawyer in connection with litigation work.From Longman Business Dictionarylegal aidˈlegal aidLAW financial help given by a government organization to people involved in legal cases who cannot afford to pay for a lawyer themselvesClients who qualify for legal aid can choose between a salaried government lawyer or a lawyer in private practice. → aidˌlegal ˈaid nounChineseSyllable  which in gives a to a money system Corpus Business government




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