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单词 Compelling
(1) Lucy had no compelling reason to go into town.
(2) His prose as always lucid and compelling.
(3) The evidence was so compelling that he felt constrained to accept it.
(4) She found his story so compelling that she had forgotten to drink wine.
(5) She has written a huge and compelling family saga.
(6) His life makes a compelling story .
(7) Her latest book makes compelling reading.
(8) She is compelling, spectral, fascinating, an unforgettably unique performer.
(9) The play's mordant comedy makes for compelling viewing.
(10) I found the whole film very compelling.
(11) The case for greater nationalization is compelling.
(12) It's a fairly compelling argument for going.
(13) I have no compelling reasons to refuse.
(14) There is a compelling logic to his main theory.
(15) His eyes were strangely compelling.
(16) There is no compelling reason to believe him.
(17) The court was presented with compelling evidence that she'd murdered her husband.
(18) He felt a compelling need to tell someone about his idea.
(19) There is no logically compelling argument to support their claims.
(20) Campaigners now have compelling documentary evidence of the human rights abuses that they had been alleging for several years.
(21) The ecological D-Day he posits is compelling and complex.
(22) This compelling true-life story will entice even reluctant readers.
(23) It's all great stuff[], and compelling cinema.
(24) At first blush, this is a compelling concept.
(25) He'd had the most compelling eyes she'd ever encountered.
(26) And they actually provide some compelling answers.
(27) But none of them is very compelling.
(28) Taken together, they are fairly compelling evidence of prejudice.
(29) This line carries two compelling implications.
(30) Factual and forensic evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to the mystery of his death.
(1) Lucy had no compelling reason to go into town.
(2) His prose as always lucid and compelling.
(3) The evidence was so compelling that he felt constrained to accept it.
(4) She found his story so compelling that she had forgotten to drink wine.
(5) The case for greater nationalization is compelling.
(6) I have no compelling reasons to refuse.
(7) There is a compelling logic to his main theory.
(8) His eyes were strangely compelling.
(9) There is no logically compelling argument to support their claims.
(31) C., are the most compelling parts of his journey.
(32) Jeopardy was selfish and self-centred, but irresistibly compelling.
(33) But it was his eyes that were most compelling.
(34) After all, quality matters most in a compelling sage.
(35) No, there is another, and far more compelling, explanation.
(36) I considered giving you some compelling reading material.
(37) The follow-up only enhances an already compelling program.
(38) Hers is a compelling and intensely dramatic performance.
(39) Nussbaum's drumming is a crucial element, providing colour and definition in this compelling session.
(40) The most compelling lesson of this marathon legal affair is that truth is no shining city on a hill.
(41) This film was original, surprising, oddly real in its emotional content, oddly compelling in its naturalness.
(42) Here, in highly compelling fashion, the social convenience of the contented replaces the clearly visible reality.
(43) It did not seem odd to him that the subway held more compelling things than the famous city above.
(44) But it has the compelling authority that only intimate knowledge and great indignation can bring.
(45) Nor are they necessarily equal in strength; the outer form may be more compelling than inner character, or viceversa.
(46) The further capitalism developed the more compelling the Marxist analysis became.
(47) In the high-visibility, emotionally compelling cases such as maternity stays, an uproar resulted.
(48) Pass the spliff, mon. Word has it the band is compelling as hell in person.
(49) He'd have to have a much more compelling reason than that.
(50) He takes border stereotypes and presents them in interesting and compelling ways.
(51) This approach to the nature of dreaming is highly compelling.
(52) It is unlikely that an adjournment will be granted in these circumstances unless there are particularly compelling reasons.
(53) But the play's compassion and mordant comedy make for compelling viewing.
(54) Historically, the most compelling idea concerning meaning has been that meaning is some sort of entity or thing.
(55) That he has not been doing this all his life is, of course, the point of this compelling story.
(56) The Commission could find no compelling reason of public interest which could justify the position of the United Kingdom's government.
(57) The formidable challenge for progressive bishops and theologians who dominated the Second Vatican Council was to formulate a compelling alternative.
(58) Such freedoms can be abridged only if the state shows it has a compelling need to do so.
(58) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(59) The road to depression Even so, parallels with the 1930s are far more compelling now than they were in 1987.
(60) When he does come to publish his account of the oddities of peripatetic life in hiding, it will be compelling reading.
(61) Unless there are other compelling reasons, therefore, never borrow money yourself to obtain funds needed by your corporation.
(62) There are compelling societal priorities and pressures to carry out policies of child protection.
(63) The Court expressly concedes that this interest is compelling and is promoted by the ordinance.
(64) Although Lugar is widely respected by his colleagues, the Hoosier failed to develop a compelling campaign.
(65) Although he detested journalism his Johnsonian manner and compelling character established him as one of Fleet Street's most charismatic figures.
(66) All three were pushed into the background, as the more compelling issues of the day-principally the modern political economy were debated.
(67) Formalist analyses of abstract works proved compelling at first, although they became difficult to sustain.
(68) The resemblance between this ancient, well-established knowledge and the stories. sportspeople tell is often dramatic and compelling.
(69) Freud's approach to the analysis of dreams is highly compelling.
(70) The names of the little towns round about Valence ring like peals of bells compelling you to go and look at them.
(71) One of the most compelling elements in the myth is the necessity of concealing your true identity.
(72) But there are a number of compelling reasons to stand in line.
(73) The temptation to let go was strongly compelling and had a good argument to back it up.
(74) Most women with bulimia, particularly those with a history of anorexia, have a compelling desire to be thinner.
(75) Relatively few sites are so compelling that Web surfers make it a point to visit every day.
(76) The temptation to create a compelling, entertaining sports movie must be too strong to resist.
(77) Force is the precondition for compelling the majority of people to accept this pretension.
(78) Modernism has projected a compelling image of the artist in a state of splendid isolation.
(79) On the contrary, the opposite view is intellectually more compelling.
(80) These two paintings are almost nothing, but there's something about their quiet presence, which is insistent and compelling.
(81) But, in any event, there is no compelling reason to justify section 9.
(82) Yet this love, so compelling, so fascinating as it grew despite everything, had been leading to destruction.
(83) An oral disclaimer can suffice provided that it is bold and compelling enough to neutralise the effect of the odometer reading.
(84) This is the single compelling reason to be speaking of diseases / disorders.
(85) Warren has cut and pasted this material to both compelling and disappointing effect.
(86) Barring a compelling reason, governments should not discriminate between classes of citizens.
(87) The other compelling element of this marine encounter is the sheer physical and imaginative space that such a gathering entails.
(88) And it was from these experiments that Work place 2000 emerged as the response to a compelling need for change.
(88) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(89) Sordid and diseased, perhaps, but there's already a compelling and coherent vision at work.
(90) The most compelling work in the modern British theater is being created in the smaller and non-profit theaters.
(91) Planners have recommended enforcement action compelling the club to remove the wire with 12 months lee-way.
(92) Those data bespeak a movement without a compelling product to sell.
(93) Compelling arguments for fair trade have been raised by influential spokespersons.
(94) Thus, the government has no compelling justification for inflicting such harm.
(95) Suddenly I had a compelling urge to look at Wilkerson.
(96) When an Olympic event incorporates brawling with the paparazzi into its most compelling moments, something has gone horribly wrong.
(97) So there was a compelling push for change in science.
(98) Abrams uses the personnel in trio, quartet, quintet and sextet formation, in a series of compelling performances.
(99) The evidence against him appears to be, even to a dispassionate observer, compelling if not devastating.
(100) There is no compelling reason why a Bill should lapse at the end of a parliamentary session.
(101) But families believe in their myths for reasons more compelling than respect for the versatility of metaphor.
(102) I am indebted to my correspondent Mrs D. M. Ross for this compelling tale.
(103) A sociological revolution was also taking place as the social status of owner occupation proved increasingly compelling.
(104) It is hard to find a more compelling reason to quit smoking than the fact that it affects your children's health.
(105) The most compelling argument for true reform is that it would lead to greater efficiency in government.
(106) Which brings us to the most compelling detail in this stunt: the romantic disguise the virus wore.
(107) Threats in the external environment also provide a compelling reason to expand beyond the home market.
(108) His kiss was an assault, punitive, compelling her lips to part, robbing her of breath.
(109) The conclusion of an argument is compelling only if its premises are accepted.
(110) It is also a satisfying behind-the-scenes tour for foodies, full of compelling characters and anecdotes.
(111) To gain respect in this infuriating but somehow compelling man's eyes?
(112) Her feminism has to do with making yourself the most attractive, invulnerable, compelling object that you can.
(113) Although reform proposals have received little political support, the case for disability discrimination legislation has become increasingly compelling.
(114) But with a clear and compelling sense of purpose, you can manage even the most difficult transitions.
(115) The record is good but there is no compelling reason to buy.
(116) Harvey creates a credible nightmare and turns what at first seems a simple eco-sermon into something more weirdly compelling.
(117) Once again, he shuffled the recalcitrant deck, smiling too broadly, compelling their attention.
(118) The new studies provide compelling evidence in support of these concepts.
(118) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(119) This sounds compelling and attractive but it can be promiscuous as well.
(120) Compelling evidence that the NMDA receptor performs this function is reviewed in the next section.
(121) Where numbers, and options, are reduced, the need to concentrate on essentials is the more compelling.
(122) Mark Winston in Nature Wars provides a compelling account of why this has happened.
(123) Orwell's 'Burmese Days' is a compelling account of life under British Colonial rule.
(124) I think that a compelling vision combined with a unique ability to manage risk is the magic behind successful entrepreneurs.
(125) It was difficult on everybody and there was an allegiance to Jef, but Steve had his own compelling aura.
(126) A natural target, then: a nationwide monopoly, compelling the public to buy from a single supplier.
(127) As Romantic drama evolves, the pariah soon becomes the most compelling of characters.
(128) He was energetic, headstrong, and unorthodox-and he had compelling reasons for reducing the ruinously expensive Soviet nuclear arsenal.
(129) Particularly important are its compelling eyewitness interviews, since there are still those among us who actually believe the Holocaust never happened.
(130) However, the officer in charge of the investigation said it was the only way to gather compelling evidence.
(131) It is this fascinating shift in power that forms the basis of Hugo Vickers' compelling article about the Waleses.
(132) It is this later Holiday which most recognise and her admirers point to her last years as her most compelling.
(133) For one thing, the memoirs of several surviving actors in the drama have appeared with compelling new details of the intrigue.
(134) In the spring of 1978, it was dusted off for a more compelling reason, namely domestic politics.
(135) I hear the whip at his back compelling him to shed his will, to stay in line.
(136) We try to gain credit by inventing less compelling reasons for our conduct.
(137) Since there is an interesting case for each, it certainly seems that there may be a compelling case for combining them.
(138) However, it is necessary to say a word or two here to refute this seemingly compelling argument.
(139) But perhaps the most vivid and compelling evidence of this highly developed colour sensibility is the artefacts themselves.
(140) The similarity of the central flower in mosaic 7 with that in the same position in mosaic C is more compelling.
(141) A compelling performance consequence can always be found, if only you choose to find, communicate, and manage toward it.
(142) Once established, initiatives in the vision of how must sustain a clear and compelling link to performance.
(143) Their excursion into the progressive circles of hell is recorded with such precision that the film is like a compelling vivisection experiment.
(144) Doubt is a question mark; faith is an exclamation point. The most compelling, believable, realistic stories have included them both. Criss Jami 
(145) A highly talented writer and a compelling public speaker, he quickly became the best-known left-wing agitator in Derry.
(146) It is this potency that makes him so compelling a figure.
(147) Nicolas Werth's excellent 235 pages on cycles of violence in the Soviet Union is the most compelling section of the book.
(148) Evidence to support a defect in cell mediated immunity is more compelling.
(149) Stewart was deeply moved to be back in the compelling presence of his big brother after five years.
(150) However,[http:///compelling.html] Freud was a great writer and a compelling personality.
(151) The film was so compelling I could scarcely take my eyes off the screen for a second.
(152) Savio, a shy man who stuttered before small groups, was riveting and compelling when he spoke to thousands.
(153) The anecdotal evidence, reported in professional journals as well as the popular media, is compelling: Music heals.
(154) The evidence is necessarily anecdotal, but it is very compelling.
(155) Thus the question becomes: is there a compelling reason to bar homosexuals from marriage?
(156) For smaller farmers, too, the arguments in favour of slaughter are compelling.
(157) The court made a mandatory order compelling the vendor to allow the person to enter so that the valuation could proceed.
(158) But these likable characters are too moderately sketched to have any compelling dimension.
(159) Late Victorian Holocausts is as ugly as it is compelling.
(160) Newman's pained performance is a slightly heavy-handed but compelling version of the Marlon method.
(161) This attitude is part and parcel of the disease and the more advanced the illness, the more compelling it may become.
(162) It was so compelling for them that no one even asked for a bathroom stop.
(163) The reasons Moore gives for thinking that there can not be organic wholes are not very compelling.
(164) With difficulty she glanced away from his dark compelling gaze.
(165) Is the ultimate unified theory so compelling that it brings about its own existence?
(166) Without the slightest doubt this is a remarkable, compelling exhibition.
(167) Absent compelling reasons to the contrary, optimize for Google.
(168) His prose is always lucid and compelling.
(169) There were compelling reasons to Valdez from advertising.
(170) The novel has a compelling though unsubtle eloquence.
(171) The article has a compelling though unsubtle eloquence.
(172) Nuclear fusion is a compelling idea.
(173) It is a strong and compelling tight-money policy.
(174) It is a compelling study of personal identity.
(175) Try to come up with a principled, compelling counterargument.
(176) It is not a logically compelling argument.
(177) Time travel remains as compelling as it is unknowable.
(178) She was really a strange, eager,[] compelling young woman.
(179) So this initial argument, I think, is not compelling.
(180) Her eyes were her best feature, wide-set and compelling.
(181) Full houses and the noise they provide make the televisual experience more compelling.
(182) Bold placement and strong cropping make this an especially compelling graphic.
(183) The discovery of the City of Light and the experience of making it your own is and always has been the most compelling reason to visit.
(184) In Mozart's example, the most compelling symptom - anasarca - has three common causes: liver disease, kidney disease, and congestive heart failure.
(185) Louis XIII helped expand the compelling course of structures of the French state.
(186) The image of a stutterer's words banging into each other as they try to get out and into a sentence is a pretty compelling notion.
(187) McCormack said ending the North Korean nuclear program, which included a weapons test in 2006, is a "compelling" U.S. national security interest.
(188) As an amateur Margaret Mead, it's the point at which guests give themselves over to the esprit de wedding that's much more compelling than the whole with-this-ring pomp and circumstance to me.
(189) Now, Kim Jong-il’s failing health is compelling Mr. Kim to begin a crash program to present his son as the next leader.
(190) Sweet oak, spice and compelling grapey extract lead to a long and persistent finish.
(191) Although he calls the animal data compelling, University of Vermont associate professor of pediatrics and anesthesia Robert K.
(192) Therefore, not only does landing page copy need to be compelling, but copy on every other page as well.
(193) His connoisseurship is broad and deep, his examples are often breathtaking, and his analyses of how the masterpieces achieve their effects are acute and compelling.
(194) In fact, his enthusiasm was so compelling that he became a firefighter in his hometown.
(195) "No one really wants to come to market in August unless they have to. It shows these new sellers have a compelling need to sell," Rightmove commercial director Miles Shipside said in a statement.
(196) To justify the proposition's inherent discrimination on the basis of sex and sexual orientation, he wrote, there would have to be a compelling state interest in banning same-sex marriage.
(197) Everyone sees it as compelling to align technology policy with business policy.
(198) The informational advantage of the largest risk arbitrageurs is not so compelling in situations such as long-term liquidations, spinoffs, and large friendly tender offers.
(199) Putting it all together yields a compelling story: European banks are shifting their cash assets out of European banks and putting much of them into US banks.
(200) Photopolymer is a new material for holographic storage; it has a number of compelling properties such as high diffraction efficiency, relatively simple fabrication process, and long persistence.
(201) The precise yet endlessly suggestive works that result from his unrivalled draughtsmanship are just as compelling as his paintings.
(202) Since reforming and opening, the growth rate of garment industry and market dilate strength are compelling.
(203) In a word, the Trade Association system was the combo of inductivity system transformation and compelling system transformation.
(204) There is compelling evidence for the existence of oligopeptide signaling in plants, which are very similar to that of animals.
(205) I think THEMIS is specially designed to help answer some of those compelling science questions.
(206) So if what Socrates means by invisibility is the first notion: can't be seen with your eyes, then the argument is not any good, harmony is a pretty compelling counterexample.
(207) That man said so, in my memory, when I was standing in front of him, compelling him to look into my eyes toughly .
(208) International Maritime Organization established international Safety Management (ISM) Code, which was compelling,[ ] for preventing and decreasing shipwreck.
(209) Pausch's bestselling book, "The Last Lecture" (Hyperion), has moved countless people across the country with its compelling message of "savor every moment."
(210) He was handsome, certainly, and something about him was strangely compelling, but on their own, those were not qualities that warranted a feature article.
(211) What you are saying to me is absolutely compelling and for our listeners, fortunately they don't have the distraction of a scantly clad girl in the background dancing.
(212) The objective is to focus research on the most compelling benefit sought by end-user customers and the figure of merit thy use to measure the benefit.
(213) High-potential talent in China is attracted to—and stays with—companies that offer compelling long-term career paths.
(214) New Zealand have given England the runaround for four days and have played compelling cricket.
(215) The net benefit of living, social books certainly seems compelling.
(216) Described as a "modern Greek tragedy" and "an insistently metaphysical mind-bender" Kafka on the Shore is a compelling story that will stretch the limits of your imagination.
(217) On a multifunctional shafting experiment equipment with adjustable bearing stiffness, the compelling response experiments were done on a 135 MW air cooling type turbo-generator.
(218) PTC believes that the transaction provides a compelling earnings and operating margin accretion opportunity.
(219) The green-emitting laser diode offers a number of compelling advantages compared to an equivalent green-output second harmonic generation (SHG) device.
(220) Jan Roberts weaves a compelling tale which traps a young woman in a world run by the Mafia.
(221) "Our findings provide compelling evidence that obstructive sleep apnea is a risk factor for stroke, especially in men, " noted Redline.
(222) "This is the most compelling evidence in nearly 25 years that a novel antibiotic drug combination works better than the current gold standard," he added.
(223) Reflection of light intensity, the holographic patterns should be bright, clear, compelling.
(224) "Obama's ability to convey his feelings of self-worth to others may have helped him project the image of competence and confidence that voters found so compelling, " Zeigler Hill told the Digest.
(225) Yes, there are plenty of on-line backup services and remote clients, but I expect the all-in-one native nature of WHS to be compelling.
(226) And we now have compelling evidence that German forces deliberately carried out a scorched-earth policy; they flooded mines, blew up bridges and stripped bare factories as they retreated.
(227) What makes the class so compelling is the way Sandel uses real-life examples to illustrate the philosophies of the likes of Aristotle, Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill.
(228) On the subject of global distribution systems, Southey shared some compelling statistics that indicate that the ASPAC region was among the worst impacted -- down by approximately 40%.
(229) It cannot be made logically or even probabilistically compelling for those who refuse to step into the circle.
(230) "The proposed mechanism is compelling, " says John Thompson, a molecular biologist at the University of Waterloo in Canada.
(231) In the documentary, scientists from various disciplines put the most compelling sasquatch evidence to the test. Collectively their conclusions are ground-breaking.
(232) A compelling demonstration of its existence or absence may be reached from gravity and altimetry data in the proposed Europa orbiter.
(233) But there's one more treacly trap: Creating compelling games that drive players to buy expensive new 3-D setups.
(234) Unless are compelling reasons, such as the urgency in the construction of military installation.
(235) To me, Zaha's womanliness is what makes her designs so compelling. She brings a female sensibility and a goddess's touch.
(236) Perhaps the most compelling evidence for this comes from real-life situations.
(237) Sixty years after the publication of Orwell's masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four, that crystal first line sounds as natural and compelling as ever.
(238) The results show that the mental health problems of undergraduates mainly exist in the respects such as interpersonal relationships, compelling, hostility, crankiness etc.
(239) In this series of works painted from 1983 to 1987, Gu draws from his own study of archaic seal scripts to produce aesthetically compelling but in fact thoroughly undecipherable images.
(240) The most compelling problem facing the IP Internet is IP address depletion.
(241) I learned how to find the sexiness and the intensity and the compelling sense of fascination and intrigue -- in sane, balanced, stable people.
(242) An air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement, especially when delusively alluring.
(243) I think XML is already compelling developers of chauvinistic ASCII-only tools to provide better internationalization.
(244) Meanwhile, the summit exposed Mr Obama's split personality in compelling detail.
(245) The establishment of a development community amongst development groups promotes self-support, developer interest, and a central source of compelling applications.
(246) Made-to-order shoes are profitable, he said, and "it answers the question of how you make the product more compelling to the consumer, and that's to give them the power to design it."
(247) One of the most compelling needs for readers in the 1980 s was reliable information about shopping.
(248) Combined with KDE technologies, we believe Qt is the compelling framework for cross-platform software development.
(249) Motorola's software strategy is based on open, proven platforms that enable compelling consumer experiences.
(250) Only the farsighted will see that the economic case for such an operation is compelling.
(251) The present sculpture is among the most poignant and compelling of Rodin's works.
(252) REP: And the evidence of discrimination towards French people of African or Arab origin is compelling.
(253) The nearly 600 stone-and-mortar cliff houses notched by the ancient Anasazi into precipitous canyon walls are the most compelling feature of Colorado's Mesa Verde National Park.
(254) Still, Lelyveld relates the more compelling story of how a supremely well-intentioned man struggled, through five decades of activism, with a series of evasions, compromises, setbacks, and defeats.
(255) TV/Maggie: And all this week, you will see how the physicals on wheels works as this report undergoes a complete compelling and riveting series.
(256) My second and more compelling reason for going to Dearborn was to see the Henry Ford Museum.
(257) The system of take-in and repatriation has transformed into an administrative compelling and punishing measure which limits the citizens' personal freedom.
(258) Quentin Tarantino's typically gory and compelling effort follows two simultaneous attempts to assassinate the political leadership of Germany's Nazi Government during the Second World War.
(259) But I remember something about the cold weather and shouter days compelling deciduous trees to begin their winter preparation.
(260) Instantly there flamed up in his body the all compelling desire.
(261) Culture, in compelling but unspoken ways, dictates the proven, acceptable methods by which members of the group address recurrent problems.
(262) They will be the most compelling and seductive element in the style.
(263) I do not believe the reasons you have given are sufficiently compelling.
(264) As expressions get more complicated the need to reduce the verbosity of type specification gets more compelling.
(265) You may have back - pedal to find ways to make a present endeavor more compelling and marketable.
(266) Seb Przd – a skilled photographer – has created this highly compelling set of seemingly impossible bookcases to showcase his skills as a photographer.
(267) Extremely compelling stories. Clavell has a whole series of can't-put-down books set in Asia, including Tai-Pan and Shogun, among others.
(268) When this suggestion first surfaced, in a tendentious 1991 biography by Bruce Perry, the criticism was huge,[sentencedict .com] but Marable insists that the evidence is now more compelling.
(269) In his first season has conducted Falstaff and a compelling new production of Salome directed by Robert Carsen.
(270) Because placing the data on a non refenced baseline makes the difference look mor compelling.
(271) Scripting is an excellent way to enable the game designer to create a compelling story without the need to alter the actual game program.
(272) Call it "smart panic" -- calculated actions that free you from the chains of inertia without compelling you to go haywire.
(273) Each time you see something you find compelling -- a photo, a piece of fabric, a type font, a word -- tack it on to the board.
(274) There was a compelling logic to what Laura Bo was saying.
(275) You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.
(276) Restless legs syndrome is a common neurological disorder, affecting as many as 3 percent of American adults, according to Winkelman. Those with RLS experience a compelling need to move their legs.
(277) To mere mortals, a graphic metaphor, a compelling anecdote, or a striking fact is worth a thousand articles in Econometrica.
(278) With the fast development of Internet, the two most compelling problems of Internet are IP address depletion and scaling in routing.
(279) To undo such rules, a new administration must provide a compelling justification and go through a formal rule-making process, which can take months or years.
(280) TIM MARLOW: What you are saying to me is absolutely compelling and for our listeners, fortunately they don't have the distraction of a scantly clad girl in the background dancing.
(281) The discoveries in Texas are seen as compelling evidence that the so-called Clovis culture does not represent America's original immigrants.
(282) But her story is not quite so emblematic or compelling.
(283) Thus, in one stroke, the superstring theory unites both the theory of Einstein and quantum physics into one coherent, compelling picture.
(284) Four hundred species of flowers, including Indian paintbrushes, prickly poppies, flowering herbs, and the most compelling blossom of all - the bluebonnet, the Texas state flower.
(285) They act evilly in collusion with each other , compelling us to make RMB Appreciation.
(286) A compelling example good social media fundraising practice comes from WildlifeDirect, a nonprofit based in Nairobi, Kenya founded by Dr. Richard Leakey.
(287) Although some may scoff, it has been a remarkably compelling vision.
(288) The more compelling statistic was rarely mentioned in news accounts of the A.P. story: the survey found that another 27 percent of Americans had read 15 or more books a year.
(289) Even if your alarm code is written elegantly and well, there is a compelling advantage to a centralized service.
(290) It may not rank as the most compelling reason to curb greenhouse gases, but reducing our emissions might just save humanity from a pre-emptive alien attack, scientists claim.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:14:50