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单词 dice
释义  Related topics: Gamesdice1 /daɪs/ ●○○ noun (plural dice)  1  [countable] (also die)DG a small block of wood, plastic etc that has six sides with a different number of spots on each side, used in games 骰子,色子throw/roll the dice It’s your turn to roll the dice. 轮到你掷骰子了。 →5 see picture at 见图 board game2. [uncountable]DG any game of chance that is played with dice 掷骰子游戏3. the dice are loaded the situation is arranged so that a particular person will win or gain an advantage 成败已安排好;用手段使某人占便宜4  no dice IMPOSSIBLE especially American English old-fashioned spoken used to refuse to do something or to say that something is not possible 不行,没办法,没门儿〔表示拒绝做某事,或说某事是不可能的〕 ‘Can I borrow some cash?’ ‘Sorry, no dice.’ “我能借些钱吗?” “抱歉,不行。”5  a throw of the dice something you do that you hope will have an effect on a situation, but is not certain to do so 一次尝试,一次努力 a last desperate throw of the dice to try and win his wife back 不顾一切挽回妻子的最后努力Examples from the Corpusdice• I thought the room was a dice.• Roll the artillery dice for each shot.• If you roll a misfire when you roll the first dice the cannon has literally misfired and may explode.• Cut cornbread into 1 / 2 inch dice to measure 7 cups; set aside.• Cut the potatoes into ½" dice.• Use a scatter dice to determine which direction he moves in.• But Dole had little choice but to roll the dice in a way that surprised even the most astute political observers.throw/roll the dice• I shook it loosely and quickly and threw the dice.• It's got to be better than throwing the dice and then having amnio and maybe aborting.• In Arabia they throw the dice in the other direction.• But Dole had little choice but to roll the dice in a way that surprised even the most astute political observers.• I envy them for getting to roll the dice.• Okay take turns rolling the dice and taking that many cubes.Related topics: Cookingdice2 verb  1  (also dice something ↔ up) [transitive]DFC to cut food into small square pieces 把〔食物〕切成小方块 diced carrots 切成丁的胡萝卜► see thesaurus at cut2. dice with death DANGEROUSto put yourself in a very dangerous situation 冒生命危险,玩命→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdice• He was struggling with an anger so black it made him tremble as he diced the eggs for potato salad.• Dice the potatoes and cook them in salted water.• And some have diced with death to make Bond look good.Origin dice1 (1300-1400) Plural of → DIE1dice1 noundice2 verbChinese  etc Corpus small wood, plastic has of a that block




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