随便看 |
- the blue nile
- the-blue-nile
- the blue ridge
- the-blue-ridge
- the blue ridge mountains
- the-blue-ridge-mountains
- the blues
- theblues
- the-blues
- the blues and royals
- the-blues-and-royals
- the blues brothers
- the-blues-brothers
- the blushing bride
- the bma
- the-bma
- thebma
- the bmj
- thebmj
- the-bmj
- the bnp
- thebnp
- the-bnp
- the boards
- the boat race
- Firing squad
- Death sentence
- Macro
- Steering wheel
- Artiste
- Corroboration
- Flurry
- Audio cassette
- Deferent
- Criticise
- 良药苦于口,而利于病;忠言逆于耳,而利于行
- 良药苦于口,而智者劝而饮之,知其入而已己疾也;忠言拂于耳,而明主听之,知其可以致功也
- 良药苦口·忠言逆耳是什么意思
- 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行
- 良药苦口,惟疾者能甘之;忠言逆耳,惟达者能受之
- 良药苦口,惟疾者能甘之;忠言逆耳,惟达者能受之。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 良药苦口的意思,良药苦口的近义词,反义词,造句
- 良药苦口的意思,良药苦口造句
- 良莠不齐的意思,良莠不齐造句