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单词 devious
释义  de·vi·ous /ˈdiːviəs/ ●○○ adjective  1  DISHONESTusing dishonest tricks and deceiving people in order to get what you want 欺诈的,不诚实的 → deceitful a devious politician 一名不诚实的政客► see thesaurus at dishonest2  formalSTRAIGHT# not going in the most direct way to get to a place 〔路线〕迂回的,绕弯的 SYN circuitous a devious route 迂回的路线 —deviously adverb —deviousness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusdevious• His relationship with the universe becomes more subtle and devious.• Or was it as devious as that?• He was raucous, sentimental, hot. tempered, practical, simple, devious, big, and powerful.• He might be devious, but he was not without principles.• Their method of collecting money was devious, but not illegal.• In the film, he plays a devious defence lawyer named Richard Adler.• Opportunism is a devious kind of self-interested behaviour.• She says we have devious minds!• You have to be pretty devious to be successful in that sort of business.• He infuriated his allies with his arbitrary decisions and devious ways.From Longman Business Dictionarydeviousde‧vi‧ous /ˈdiːviəs/ adjective using dishonest tricks and deceiving people to get what you wantHe’s an honest businessman, not the devious executive the government says he is. —deviously adverb —deviousness noun [uncountable]the deviousness of some of the advertising aimed at childrenOrigin devious (1500-1600) Latin devius, from via “way”de·vi·ous adjectiveChineseSyllable   Business get deceiving tricks in to and people order using Corpus dishonest




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