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单词 loaded
释义  load·ed /ˈləʊdɪd $ ˈloʊ-/ adjective  1  gun/camera 枪/相机FULL containing bullets, film etc 装了子弹的;装上胶卷的 a loaded pistol 子弹上膛的手枪2  full 充满的CARRY a loaded vehicle or container is full of things 〔车辆或容器〕装满的 a loaded trailer 装得满满的拖车 She came back carrying a loaded tray. 她捧着一个装得满满的托盘回来了。loaded with a truck loaded with bananas 装满香蕉的卡车3  rich 富有的 [not before noun] informalRICH very rich 富有的,很有钱的 Giles can afford it – he’s loaded. 贾尔斯花得起这笔钱——他富得很。4  loaded with something informalFULL full of a particular quality, or containing a lot of something 富含某物 snacks loaded with fat 脂肪含量很高的小吃 a collection of paintings loaded with cultural significance 文化内涵丰富的一批藏画5  word/statement 词语/陈述MEANING a loaded word, statement etc has more meanings than you first realize and is intended to influence the way you think 〔词语、陈述等〕有暗含意义的 He ‘deserved’ it? That’s a loaded word. 这是他 “应得” 的? 用这个词可是话里有话啊。 There was a loaded silence. 出现了一阵意味深长的沉默。6. a loaded question UNFAIRa question that is unfair because it is intended to affect your opinions and make you answer in a particular way 有圈套的问题,诱导性问题 → leading question at leading1(4)7  drunk 喝醉的 [not before noun] American English informalDRUNK very drunk 酩酊大醉的 Greg used to come home loaded almost every night. 格雷格以前几乎天天晚上都喝个烂醉回家。8. the dice/odds are loaded against somebody/something used to say that someone or something is unlikely to succeed or win 某人/某事不大可能成功9  something is loaded against somebody/something PROBABLYused to say that a system, situation, or organization is unfair and some people have a disadvantage 某事对某人/某事不利 SYN biased The justice system is loaded against people from ethnic minorities. 该司法制度对少数民族人士不利。10. loaded dice GAMBLECHEATdice that have weights in them so that they always fall with the same side on top, used to cheat in games 灌铅骰子,做了手脚的骰子〔总是掷出某一面〕Examples from the Corpusloaded• Carter's family is loaded.• This drop was overcome by means of an inclined plane, up and down which the loaded barges were carried on trolleys.• Nick, the ever-ready surveyor, whipped out his loaded camera and reeled off a few shots of the thief.• a loaded camera• A fully loaded civilian plane crashes in mid-air with an armed military plane over Catterick Garrison.• The drag of the loaded inflatable had slowed the catamaran so that they were making a bare five knots.• That gun's not loaded, is it?• a loaded truck• politically loaded wordsnLoaded trademark  na British magazine for young men, which has articles on sex, music, cars, sport etc, as well as interviews with famous people. The language used is very informal and often very rude, and there are usually pictures of women wearing very little clothing. → New LadFrom Longman Business Dictionaryloadedload‧ed /ˈləʊdədˈloʊ-/ adjectiveTRANSPORT carrying a load of goodsa fully loaded truckloaded witha ship loaded with 5,000 tons of South Korean riceload·ed adjectiveLoadedLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  containing etc bullets, film Corpus Business




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