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单词 load
释义  Related topics: Cleaning, Electricityload1 /ləʊd $ loʊd/ ●●● S1 W3 noun [countable]  1  amount of STH 某物的量AMOUNT a large quantity of something that is carried by a vehicle, person etc 〔车辆、人等的〕负载物load of a load of wood 一车木头 The lorry had shed its load (=the load had fallen off). 卡车上的货掉下来了。 The plane was carrying a full load of fuel. 飞机载满燃料。2  a load (of something)  (also loads (of something) British English) informalLOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT a lot of something 很多,大量(某物) We got a load of complaints about the loud music. 很多人向我们投诉音乐太响。 Don’t worry, there’s loads of time 不用担心,时间很充裕。loads to do/see/eat etc There’s loads to see in Paris. 巴黎可看的东西太多了。3  a bus load/car load/truck load etc AMOUNTthe largest amount of something that a vehicle can carry 满满一公共汽车/一汽车/一卡车等 a bus load of tourists 满满一车游客4  a load of crap/bull etc  (also a load of rubbish British English) spoken not politeUNTRUE used to say that something is bad, untrue, or stupid 十足的胡闹;一派胡言;彻头彻尾的蠢话I thought the game was a load of crap. 我觉得这场比赛简直就是瞎胡闹。5  work 工作JOB/TASK the amount of work that a person or machine has to do 〔一个人或一台机器的〕工作量,负荷 The computer couldn’t handle the load and crashed. 计算机难以处理负荷,死机了。a light/heavy load (=not much or a lot of work) 轻松的/繁重的工作 Hans has a heavy teaching load this semester. 这学期汉斯的教学任务很重。 My work load has doubled since Henry left. 亨利走后,我的工作量加倍了。 They hired more staff in order to spread the load. 他们雇用了更多员工来分担工作量。6  RESPONSIBLEworry 忧虑 a problem or worry that is difficult to deal with 难题,沉重的负担 When someone is depressed, the extra load of having financial problems can make the situation worse. 当一个人情绪低落的时候,如果还有经济困难,那便是雪上加霜。 Knowing he was safe was a load off my mind (=I felt less worried). 得知他平安以后,我如释重负。 Coping with ill health was a heavy load to bear. 克服病痛是个难以承受的重负。7  washing 洗涤DHC a quantity of clothes that are washed together in a washing machine 〔洗衣机的一次〕洗衣量 I’ve already done three loads of laundry this morning. 今天早上我已经用洗衣机洗过三缸衣服了。8  get a load of somebody/something spokenLOOK ATLISTEN used to tell someone to look at or listen to something that is surprising or funny 看[听]某人/某事〔用于叫人注意令人惊奇或好笑的事〕 Get a load of this! Your stars say you are going to meet someone who’s rich. 看看这个!你的星座运程说你会遇上一个有钱人呢。9  weight 重量TBC the amount of weight that something is supporting 承受的负荷 a load-bearing wall 承重墙 It increased the load on the wheels. 这加重了车轮的负荷。10. electricity 电 technicalTPE an amount of electrical power that is being produced 发电量,电荷Examples from the Corpusload• Evans was jailed for hijacking a lorry with a £30,000 load of spirits, tobacco and groceries.• Load demand can exceed 66 percent during peak periods.• Digestion is suspended and their food lies like a load in the stomach; fullness and distress come on immediately after eating.• He spluttered a load of hip-hop banter as he danced around the drum.• a $1.2 billion debt load• The first load of supplies will be arriving at the camp next week.• So there is a price to pay for the privilege of not paying an up front load.• If you have to carry a heavy load, divide the weight between two bags.• This requirement increases the listener's processing load, and leads to increased response latencies on the localisation task.• And they collected so much they had to use a milk float to deliver the load.• Use of the top tensioners also helps to spread the load over the whole of the shoulder harness.• The lorries toiled steadily up the hill, occasionally shedding part of their loads.load of• The young boy struggled to carry his load of bananas up the hill.a light/heavy load• I have carried a heavy load on my back ever since I was a boy.• If you have to carry a heavy load, divide the weight between two bags.• Chest straps: Help to keep the shoulder slings in a comfortable position; useful carrying a heavy load.• Think of it-three jobs-that is a heavy load to bear.• The wound had become infected by the constant rubbing of a heavy load.• One day he collapses while pulling a heavy load.• Whenever you pick up a heavy load, bend both legs.• Each of the bits was a heavy load that required bridges to be taken down along the route.loads of laundry• You have four loads of laundry to do.• I did two loads of laundry this morning.Related topics: Computersload2 ●●● S2 W3 verb  1  [intransitive, transitive] (also load up)PUT to put a large quantity of something into a vehicle or container 把…装上〔车辆〕,将…装进[容器];(给…)装货 OPP unload Have you finished loading up? 你装完货了吗? It took an hour to load the van. 给小型货车装货花了一小时。 Will you help me load the dishwasher? 你帮我把碗碟放进洗碗机好吗?load something into/onto something Emma loaded all the groceries into the car. 埃玛把所有的食品杂货放进车里。 He loaded the cups onto a tray. 他把杯子放到托盘上。load something with something She loaded up the car with camping gear. 她把露营设备放进车里。► see thesaurus at fill →5 see picture at 见图 fill2  [transitive]FULL to put a necessary part into something in order to make it work, for example bullets into a gun or film into a camera 将〔某物〕装入〔设备中以便使用〕load something with something Did you load it with 200 or 400 film? 你装的是200还是400的胶卷?load something into something Can you load the CD into the player, please? 请你把光盘放入播放机中好吗?3  [intransitive, transitive]TD to put a program into a computer 载入(计算机程序) The program takes a while to load. 载入这个程序需要一点时间。 To load the file, press the ‘return’ key. 按 “回车” 键载入文档。4  [intransitive] (also load up) if a ship, aircraft etc loads, goods are put onto it 〔船、飞机等〕承载,装载 The first ship to load at the new port was the ‘Secil Angola’. 在这个新港口装货的第一艘轮船是 “西塞尔·安哥拉” 号。load with The boat called at Lerwick to load up with fresh vegetables. 船在勒威克停靠装载新鲜蔬菜。5 load somebody/something down phrasal verb a) TOO/TOO MUCHto give someone more work or problems than they can deal with 给〔某人〕过重的负担 SYN weigh downbe/feel loaded down with something Jane felt loaded down with money worries. 简因为担心钱而心事重重。b) CARRYto make someone carry too many things 使〔某人〕携带太多东西 SYN weigh downbe loaded down with something I was loaded down with bags so I took a taxi. 我随身带着大包小包,所以就叫了一辆出租车。n Grammar Load down is often used in the passive.6 load up on something phrasal verb American English to get a lot of something so that you are sure you will have enough 大量购买[获取] 〔某物〕 SYN stock up (on) People were loading up on bottled water. 人们大量购买瓶装水。7.load somebody (up) with something phrasal verb to give someone a lot of things, especially things they have to carry 使〔某人〕带很多〔尤指必须带的东西〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusload• This program takes a while to load.• These latter pages can be loaded directly on to printing presses as plates.• A woman was loading groceries into her car.• Ginter was unconscious when rescue workers loaded him on to a stretcher.• The program can be encoded on the disc's surface and then loaded into the microprocessor.• LOAD is a command which loads a new program from the file.• Anyhow, we loaded kelp for Glasgow.• They were arrested after chaining themselves to cranes which were loading logs on to barges in the port of Kuala Baram.• Wait a minute - I need to load my camera.• Trucks may not stop on city streets to load or unload between 11 and 6.• I started loading the boxes into the truck.• The links aren't constantly updated but can be set to update whenever you load the document again.• Loading the van was hard work.• When the planes are fully loaded, they aren't able to take off from this runway, as it is too short.• This giant machine can load up a 10-ton truck every few minutes.• Two men were loading up a truck with boxes of melons.• Trucks loaded with food and medicine waited at the border.• It was loaded with product, much of it marvelous, all of it printed.load something into/onto something• Coast Guard officials loaded the marijuana onto a plane.From Longman Business Dictionaryloadload1 /ləʊdloʊd/ noun [countable]1TRANSPORTan amount of goods or people transported on a road vehicle, train, or planeRail cars are used to move the bigger loads.load ofThe lorry returned with a load of Spanish apricots.The plane was carrying a full load of passengers.a lorry-load of gravel → see also payload2the amount of something that a person or organization has to doThe firm’s computers are struggling to cope with the increased load.The network has to deal with a heavy load of telephone traffic. → case load → debt load → work load3FINANCE an amount of money charged for managing an INVESTMENT FUNDBecause of the 5% load, only $950 of the $1,000 actually gets invested in your name.The new fund carries a front-end load (=an amount paid when the fund is first started) of 5.5%a no-load fundloadload2 verb [transitive]1TRANSPORTto put goods into a road vehicle, train, boat, or plane to be transportedThe tankers set off as soon as they have been loaded.2COMPUTING to copy a computer program or file onto a computerload something onto somethingThe new software can be loaded easily onto most machines.3FINANCE to include most or all of the charges at a particular period during the time that an insurance policy or INVESTMENT FUND is in useA lot of personal pension funds are front-end loaded (=make most of their charges when the fund is first started). → load up on something→ See Verb tableOrigin load1 Old English lad “support, carrying”load1 nounload2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChinese  quantity of by Corpus is a something large Business that carried




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