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单词 detox
释义  Related topics: Drug culture, Hospitalde·tox1 /ˈdiːtɒks $ -tɑːks/ noun [uncountable] informal  1  MDDMHspecial treatment to help people stop drinking alcohol or taking drugs 脱瘾;戒酒(治疗);戒毒(治疗) SYN rehabin detox She spent a month in detox. 她接受了一个月的戒毒治疗。2. when you do not eat solid food or only drink special liquids for a period of time, which is thought to remove harmful substances from your body 排毒(疗法)〔一段时间内不吃固体食物或只喝特别的流质,据称可将体内的有害物质排出〕Examples from the Corpusdetox• Next month, an organizer from a local detox center will be speaking.• But I ain't going into no detox clinic, swigging bloody methadone.• But because of a subtle change in the structure of aldehyde dehydrogenase, this second detox step is blocked in some people.• Neither of us has been through detox even detox• She spent a month in detox.detox2 verb [intransitive] informal  1. if someone detoxes, they are given special treatment at a hospital to help them stop drinking alcohol or taking drugs 脱瘾;戒酒;戒毒2. to not eat solid food or only drink special liquids for a period of time, which is thought to remove harmful substances from your body 给身体排毒→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdetox• Dare to detox and downsize your dress!• The doctors at the varIous emergency rooms suggested that he detox himself by lowering the dosage over a period of two weeks.Origin detox (1900-2000) detoxificationde·tox1 noundetox2 verbChineseSyllable  special stop to drinking people treatment help Corpus




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