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单词 desperation
释义  des·per·a·tion /ˌdespəˈreɪʃən/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]  SERIOUS SITUATIONthe state of being desperate 绝望;拼命,不顾一切 a look of desperation 绝望的眼神in/out of desperation She resorted to stealing food out of desperation. 她走投无路,只好偷东西吃。 In desperation, we had to borrow the money. 绝望之际,我们只得去借这笔钱。Examples from the Corpusdesperation• It was just a feeling of anger and desperation.• Here, lawlessness, poverty and desperation were the norm.• Anger that she wasn't answering now combined with concern and something approaching desperation in his mind.• I went to the police in desperation!• Even his last act of desperation proved a failure.• Other self-defeating organizations rely on insincere optimism and empty slogans to mask an inner sense of desperation.• Even a minor incident reveals his desperate determination to overcome, the desperation of the of desperation• His family, meanwhile, insisted he acted out of desperation to save himself and his pregnant fiancee from an angry crowd.• He is a supply hooligan, acting out of desperation not loyalty.• Dumping sometimes comes out of desperation.• Finally, out of desperation, even mainstream politicians began to search for new approaches.des·per·a·tion nounChineseSyllable  desperate the state Corpus of being




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