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单词 deserve
释义  de·serve /dɪˈzɜːv $ -ɜːrv/ ●●● S3 W3 verb [transitive]  1  DESERVEto have earned something by good or bad actions or behaviour 应得,应受到〔奖赏或惩罚〕 What have I done to deserve this? 我做了什么事,要得到这样的报应?deserve to do something We didn’t deserve to win. 我们不应该赢。richly/fully/thoroughly etc deserve something the success he so richly deserves 他完全应得的成功 I’m sorry for the kids. They deserve better (=deserve to be treated in a better way). 我为这些孩子感到难过,他们应该过得更好。deserve a rest/break/holiday etc I think we deserve a rest after all that hard work. 辛苦了那么久,我想我们应该休息一下了。 Ledley deserves a place in the team. 莱德利应该在队里占有一席之地。 Paula deserves a special mention for all the help she has given us. 应该特别提一下葆拉,她给了我们许多帮助。 I would never hit anyone, even if they deserved it. 我决不会打人,哪怕他欠揍。 What has he done to deserve this punishment? 他做了什么,竟会受到这样的惩罚?deserve all/everything you get (=deserve any bad things that happen to you) 罪有应得 He deserves all he gets for being so dishonest. 他这么不诚实,真是罪有应得。 People who are sent to prison for drunk-driving get what they deserve. 那些醉酒驾车被送进监狱的人是罪有应得的。n GRAMMAR: Using the progressiveDeserve is not used in the progressive. You say: She deserves a prize. ✗Don’t say: She is deserving a prize.2  deserve consideration/attention etc DESERVEif a suggestion, idea, or plan deserves consideration, attention etc, it is good enough to be considered, paid attention to etc 〔建议、观点或计划〕值得考虑/注意等 SYN merit This proposal deserves serious consideration. 这个建议值得认真考虑。3  somebody deserves a medal spokenADMIRE used to say that you admire the way someone dealt with a situation or problem 某人该得一枚勋章〔表示欣赏某人应付某种局面或处理某个问题的方式〕somebody deserves a medal for You deserve a medal for putting up with Ian’s constant demands. 你能忍耐伊恩一个又一个的要求,真该得一枚勋章。n COLLOCATIONSnounsdeserve a rest/break/holiday etcOnce the students have done their exams they deserve a break.deserve a chanceEverybody deserves a second chance.deserve respectOur police officers deserve our respect.deserve credit/praiseThe team played really well and they deserve credit for it.deserve supportThis is a splendid proposal which deserves our support.deserve recognition (=public respect and thanks)The teaching profession deserves more recognition.deserve better (also deserve a better deal) (=deserve to be treated better or to be in a better situation)They treated him badly at work and I thought he deserved better.deserve a (special) mention (=used especially in speeches to mention someone's good work or actions)Richard deserves a special mention for all his hard work on this project.deserve a placeYou need top grades to deserve a place at the best universities.deserve punishmentIf you commit a crime, you have deserved punishment.adverbsthoroughly/fully deserve somethingHe didn't work so he thoroughly deserved his poor marks.richly deserve something (=greatly deserve something good that happens)Her success was richly deserved.well deservedThe restaurant has a well deserved reputation for excellent fish.phrasesget what you deserve (=experience something bad after you have behaved badly)I like films where the bad guys get what they deserve.deserve all/everything you get (=deserve any bad things that happen to you)She's behaved really stupidly and she deserves all she gets.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdeserve• He was a bully, and in the end he got what he deserved.• The fourteen-year-old Gertrude was appointed as the abbess and proved herself deserving of the title.• Shrubs and trees deserve a look after a heavy snow.• She feels she deserves an apology after all the cruel things you said about her.• Why did ministers fail to inform the public of these dangers? The people of Britain deserve answers.• "You really weren't very nice to her." "Well, she deserved it!"• But Polikar and everyone else deserve more in terms of night-time entertainment than a few evenings every year catching crickets.• You deserve more than a medal.• They at least deserve our patience and understanding.• What had he done to deserve this punishment?• Yggdrasil composed an exquisite sonnet that deserved to live for centuries, but kept it to itself.• Anyone who drives like that deserves to lose their licence.deserve to do something• And I think we deserve to.• Its two major parties scarcely deserve to be called political.• This raises questions of fairness which deserve to be debated publicly.• I thought we deserved to be in.• Work hard but play hard, too-you deserve to celebrate.• If he did that, Walenski deserves to get gone.• They deserved to smile at Rice.• Both sides could make out a case that they deserved to win and should have been awarded penalties.• It was the sort of game both teams deserved to win.Origin deserve (1200-1300) Old French Latin deservire “to serve very keenly”, from servire “to serve”de·serve verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  something or bad to have actions earned by good Corpus




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