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单词 depth
释义 Word family  noun deep depth adjective deep deepening verb deepen adverb deeply  Related topics: Measurementdepth /depθ/ ●●● S3 W3 noun  1  DISTANCE[countable usually singular, uncountable] a) TMDEEPthe distance from the top surface of something such as a river or hole to the bottom of it 〔从顶部到底部的〕深,深度 → deep a sea with an average depth of 35 metres 平均深度为35米的一片海域to/at a depth of something The cave descends to a depth of 340 feet. 岩洞往下延伸达340英尺深。 Plant the beans at a depth of about six inches. 把这些豆子种在地下大约六英寸深的地方。a metre/foot etc in depth (=deep) 一米/一英尺等深 a channel of two feet in depth 两英尺深的一条沟 b) TMDEEPthe distance from the front to the back of an object 〔从前到后的〕纵深,进深 The depth of the shelves is about 35 cm. 架子的进深约35厘米。 →5 see picture at 见图 dimension2  EMOTION/SITUATION[uncountable]EMOTIONAL how strong an emotion is or how serious a situation is 〔情感的〕强烈程度;〔情况的〕严重程度depth of the depth of public feeling on this issue 在这个问题上民众情绪的强烈程度 People need to realize the depth of the problem. 人们必须认识到这个问题的严重程度。3  KNOWLEDGE[uncountable] a) (also depths) the quality of having a lot of knowledge, understanding, or experience 渊博,深刻,老练depth of knowledge/understanding/experience I was impressed by the depth of her knowledge. 她的知识深度给我留下了深刻印象。 a man of great depth and insight 有渊博学识和深刻洞察力的男人 She’s quiet, but perhaps she has hidden depths. 她沉默寡言,不过也有可能是深藏不露。 b) when a lot of details about a subject are provided or considered 〔对某一专题所提供的信息的〕深度,详细程度 Network news coverage often lacks depth. 电视网络上的新闻报道常常缺乏深度。 The subject was discussed in great depth. 对这一话题的讨论十分深入。4  be out of your depth a) UNDERSTAND#to be involved in a situation or activity that is too difficult for you to understand or deal with 不能理解,超出本身的能力 I felt completely out of my depth at the meeting. 我在会上感到自己一点都听不懂。 b) WATER British English to be in water that is too deep for you to stand in 【英】在水深没顶的地方5  the depths of something when a bad feeling or situation is at its worst level 〔坏情绪或坏情况〕最强烈的时刻,最糟糕的时候 She was in the depths of despair. 她处于绝望的深渊之中。 The country was recovering from the depths of recession. 这个国家正在从最严重的经济衰退中恢复过来。6  the depths of the ocean/countryside/forest etc DNMIDDLEthe part that is furthest away from people, and most difficult to reach 海洋深处/偏远的乡村/森林深处等 Astronomers may one day travel to the depths of space. 天文学家也许有一天可以到太空深处去。7. the depths of winter TMCPERIOD OF TIMEthe middle of winter, especially when it is very cold 隆冬8. the depths literaryDEEP the deepest parts of the sea 海洋深处,深海Examples from the Corpusdepth• The drawers have a depth of 16 inches.• The plants need sand with a depth of at least 10 to 15 cm to grow.• The intermediary requires a greater depth in instruction.• The One, without name or form, is the infinite depth, the unlimited ocean of being.• The result has been to produce a society of great institutional depth.• Therefore I felt I could just mention them but not go into depth.• Network news coverage often lacks depth.• Their national team will have a little more depth this year.• There, the themes of depth, impenetrable darkness, water, abandonment, corruption and death are all present at once.• Buckeye Lake reaches depths of eight to ten feet.• They allow us to externalize what we hold in our own subconscious depths.• But this is a play which combines surface brilliance with a surprising depth of feeling.• In summer the gardens would have looked colourful and pretty but somehow in the depths of the Provençal winter they appeared melancholy.• The poll results indicate the depth of public concern about the economy.• The ship's navigational equipment can measure the depth of the water.• The depth of the pond varies with the a depth of something• In lakes the rooted forms may appear at a depth of 2 to 3 meters.• Temperatures were measured down to a depth of 5 kilometres, where seasonal fluctuations have no effect.• The yard outside must be flooded to a depth of about three feet.• Drawer decoration Will you please identify this bronze item found at a depth of 4in?• It is found in the shallows in the sea grass meadows, at depths of only 1-6 metres.• To cook quail, pour oil to a depth of at least 1 inch into a heavy-bottomed frying pan or wok.• Pour hottest tap water into the larger baking pan to a depth of 1 inch.• In a saute pan, add water to a depth of l / 4 inch.depth of knowledge/understanding/experience• He talks about them non-stop, rapid-fire, revealing a depth of knowledge that contradicts the simplicity of the subject.• The demands for higher test scores seem to emphasize speed and coverage, not depth of understanding or commitment.• I know of no-one else who has the same depth of knowledge of the subject and who can write with such articulation.• Over-familiarity with a particular area may lead to an assumption that others have the same depth of knowledge.• But the depth of experience on which children can rely when they encounter a new topic varies from one topic to another.• In all cases the depth of knowledge required should be more advanced than that required for Professional Examinations.• But they can not gain the depth of knowledge and analysis required for sound and reasoned decision making.Origin depth (1300-1400) deepdepth nounChinese  of Corpus top the surface from distance the




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