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单词 kernel
释义  Related topics: Food, dish, Plants, Cropsker·nel /ˈkɜːnl $ ˈkɜːr-/ noun [countable]  1. DFFHBPthe part of a nut or seed inside the shell, or the part inside the stone of some fruits 〔果实的〕仁;核仁2. [usually singular] one of the small yellow pieces on a corn cob 玉米粒3  MAIN[usually singular] the most important part of a statement, idea, plan etc 〔陈述、观点、计划等的〕核心,中心,要点 SYN corekernel of This evidence is the kernel of the defendants’ case. 这项证据是被告辩护中的关键点。4  [usually singular] a very small part or amount of something 〔某物的〕极小一部分,微量kernel of There may be a kernel of truth in what he says. 他说的话也可能有点真实的成分。Examples from the Corpusa kernel of truth• That statement is an oversimplification, but it contains a kernel of truth.• In reality, there is only a kernel of truth in this scenario.Origin kernel Old English cyrnel, from corn; → CORNker·nel nounChineseSyllable  seed a part inside of the or the Corpus nut




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