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单词 depart
释义  de·part /dɪˈpɑːt $ -ɑːrt/ ●●○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]LEAVE A PLACE to leave, especially when you are starting a journey 离开〔尤指动身去旅行〕,起程,上路 → departuredepart from ocean liners arriving at and departing from the island 到达和离开这座岛的远洋客轮depart for Dorothy departed for Germany last week. 上周多萝西出发去德国了。 Flights by Air Europe depart Gatwick on Tuesdays. 欧洲航空公司的航班每逢周二从盖特威克机场起飞。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say leave or go rather than depart: 在日常英语中,人们一般说 leave 或 go ,而不说 departWhat time does the next plane leave/go? 下一班飞机什么时候起飞?She left for Germany last week. 她上周去了德国。Flights leave from Gatwick on Tuesdays. 每周二有航班从盖特威克机场起飞。2. depart this life formalMXDIE to die 辞世,离开人世3  [intransitive] to start to use new ideas or do something in a different way 背离,违反〔常规〕 → departuredepart from It’s revolutionary music; it departs from the old form and structures. 这是革命性的音乐,突破了旧的形式和结构。 In his speech, the president departed from his text only once. 总统讲话中只有一次脱开了讲稿。4  [intransitive, transitive] to leave an organization or job 离开〔某组织〕;离职 → departure the company’s departing chairman 该公司将要离职的主席→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdepart• He spent the afternoon in the Britches, as soon as the last of the party guests had departed.• After opening the door for them, he stepped outside under the awning and watched them depart.• But motorists, explorers and connoisseurs of beauty will follow the usual route departing along the A.83s.• The bus was due to depart at any moment.• An allegory may depart from everyday life into a make-believe world.• The 06:33 Pullman will depart from London Euston from platform 4.• The 12.15 shuttle service to Atlanta will depart from platform 16.• In doing so, it departs from the traditional, purely stylistic approach to classical art.• Circular Quay, where harbor cruises depart, is across the street.• The younger people had departed long ago for war work or service in the armed forces.• Leopold stared after his departing nephew.• Harriman, ambassador in Paris since 1993, was widely expected to be departing this summer.• Travelers departing Ukraine do not need an exit visa.• The train departs Waterloo at 09:00 hours on Saturday.depart from• The train will depart from platform 5.Origin depart (1200-1300) Old French departir, from partir “to divide”de·part verb →REGISTER1ChineseSyllable  are you to leave, especially when Corpus




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