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单词 demobilize
释义  Related topics: Militaryde·mo·bi·lize (also demobilise British English) /diːˈməʊbəlaɪz $ -ˈmoʊ-/ verb [transitive]  PMWARto send home the members of an army, navy etc, especially at the end of a war 遣散〔军队〕,使〔军人〕复员 programmes to help demobilized soldiers fit into civilian life 帮助复员军人适应平民生活的方案n Grammar Demobilize is usually passive. —demobilization /diːˌməʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃən $ -ˌmoʊbələ-/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdemobilize• He mentioned a range of substances, including pesticides, napalm, morphine and demobilizing gases.• However, when a country reverts to more repressive politics, government policies usually demobilize many of the new foot soldiers.• Key points of the UN plan include disarming and demobilizing the rebel·mo·bi·lize verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  navy send army, the an of members home Corpus to




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