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单词 Contrast sharply with
1) Their experiences contrast sharply with those of other children.
2) His beliefs and values contrast sharply with his father's.
3) These results contrast sharply with other medical tests carried out in Australia.
4) These results contrast sharply with those of similar tests carried out in Australia.
5) His actions contrast sharply with his promises.
6) Their plans contrast sharply with ours.
7) His white teeth contrast sharply with his black skin.
8) These costs contrast sharply with other forms of renewable energy that have a higher profile.
9) These findings contrast sharply with industry experience where workers in industry face the highest risk of exposure and where essentially no cases of skin sensitisation have been reported.
10) The facts contrast sharply with the findings of the government.
11) His lack of charisma and often unhappy persona will contrast sharply with Mandela's awesome humility,(http:///contrast sharply with.html) humour and stern paternalism.




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