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单词 delicate
释义  del·i·cate /ˈdelɪkət/ ●●○ adjective  1  DIFFICULTneeding to be dealt with carefully or sensitively in order to avoid problems or failure 微妙的,需要谨慎处理的 There’s something I have to speak to you about – it’s a delicate matter. 我有件事要跟你讲——是一件需要谨慎处理的事。 delicate negotiations 微妙的谈判► see thesaurus at difficult2  BREAKeasily damaged or broken 易坏的,易碎的,脆弱的 SYN fragile delicate hand-cut glass 易碎的手工刻花玻璃 The sun can easily damage a child’s delicate skin. 阳光很容易晒伤小孩娇嫩的皮肤。3  ILL old-fashioned someone who is delicate is hurt easily or easily becomes ill 〔人〕娇气的,娇弱的,体弱多病的 a delicate child 身体娇弱的孩子► see thesaurus at ill, weak4  ATTRACTa part of the body that is delicate is attractive and graceful 优美的,优雅的 Her wrists and ankles were slim and delicate. 她的手腕和脚踝长得纤巧优雅。 her delicate features 她娇美的五官5  CAREFULmade skilfully and with attention to the smallest details 精巧的,精致的,精美的 a plate with a delicate pattern of leaves 有精致树叶图案的碟子6  STRONG TASTE OR SMELLa taste, smell, or colour that is delicate is pleasant and not strong 柔和的,清淡的,淡雅的 The wine has a dry delicate flavour. 这酒没有甜味,且味道清淡。 a delicate pink 淡粉红色 —delicately adverb → indelicateExamples from the Corpusdelicate• Sabine sampled the soup, and found the flavour surprisingly delicate.• Unfortunately they are not all able to survive in an aquarium and some of the most colourful varieties are the most delicate.• The delicate blossoms resemble lace.• Matched brass florets mark the corners of the three leather volumes that contain them, and delicate brass chains fasten their bindings.• Troy was a delicate child who spend most of his time indoors.• Clare was more active than her brother, who had always been a delicate child.• The tea was served in delicate china cups.• The story of that day unfolds in a way that is delicate, deliberate and emotionally telling.• We need to be aware, however, that the school environment is a delicate ecosystem, highly sensitive to political whim.• Salmon has quite a delicate flavour, and it should not be over-cooked.• This soup has a marvellous, delicate fragrance and a slightly sweet taste.• The delicate glasses had felt thick and awkward in her hands, soft as putty but covered in cutting edges.• a delicate gold necklace• Mrs. Archer extended her delicate hand.• This must come by the delicate interaction of her own willed effort and the creative understanding which Hilton calls grace.• I am seeking your professional advice on a very delicate matter.• The fish was served with a delicate mushroom sauce.• The delicate operation took more than six hours.• The china has a delicate pattern of leaves.• delicate pinks and blues• Madeline was wondering how to approach the delicate question of her salary with her new boss.• The delicate scent of roses hung in the air.• Mr Humphreys wife was delicate - the doctor was called in once or twice a week.delicate matter• I hope they can throw some light on a very delicate matter?• Let us settle these delicate matters between ourselves.• Given that we have victims, we come to the delicate matter of breeding.delicate skin• The sun can easily damage a child's delicate skin.• Stephen lurched and pushed against her, bumping painfully on her, grinding his pelvis into the delicate skin of her crutch.delicate features• It suited her diminutive stature and delicate features.• The bronze strands hung over her arm like a curtain, a silken backdrop for her delicate features.• Their athletic form and delicate features, reminiscent of classical heroes, were much admired.Origin delicate (1300-1400) Latin delicatusdel·i·cate adjectiveChineseSyllable  dealt to in needing with or Corpus be carefully sensitively




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