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单词 deep vein thrombosis
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilityˌdeep vein thromˈbosis noun [uncountable] medical   (abbreviation DVT) a serious illness which happens when a small amount of blood becomes very thick and causes the heart to stop beating properly. This sometimes happens to people who have been on long plane journeys, because they have been sitting still for so long 深静脉血栓形成Examples from the Corpusdeep vein thrombosis• The symptoms of a deep vein thrombosis are very clear.• The pope has ordered the Roman Catholic archbishop of Cardiff to be replaced until he recovers from deep vein thrombosis.• Anti-embolic stockings were fitted to help prevent deep vein thrombosis.ˌdeep vein thromˈbosis nounChineseSyllable  illness a when happens a serious small Corpus which




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