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单词 death mask
释义  Related topics: Deathˈdeath mask noun [countable]  MXa model of a dead person’s face, made by covering their face with a soft substance and letting it become hard 遗容面模Examples from the Corpusdeath mask• A death mask of pieces badly assembled.• The whereabouts of Flaxman's death mask was not known, and nothing came of the suggestion.• It also includes a grainy, retouched photograph of the man holding the death mask in his hands.• There is the coroner from Philadelphia, Gold, with the death mask of the little boy.• The body is dressed in jewelled vestments, the face covered with a silver mask fashioned from a wax death mask.ˈdeath mask nounChineseSyllable   Corpus of covering a dead by person’s model a their face, made




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