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单词 Great care
(1) Take great care, I pray you!
(2) She arranged the flowers with great care.
(3) Great care is taken to avoid confusing the two types of projects.
(4) He loved his books and took great care of them.
(5) The picture had been drawn with great care .
(6) I'll take great care of it.
(7) She takes great care of her clothes.
(8) Great care is needed when choosing a used car.
(9) Take great care of it.
(10) Paul always takes great care over his appearance.
(11) John always takes great care over his work.
(12) Her work exacts great care and attention to detail.
(13) You take great care to do it properly.
(14) Take great care to do it properly.
(15) He prepared everything with great care.
(16) Always take great care when handling food.
(17) She takes great care of her children.
(18) Benson took great care in selecting breeding stock .
(19) Great care was taken to inculcate the values of nationhood and family.
(20) She painted the window frames with great care so that no paint got onto the glass.
(21) Great care is taken to ensure the accuracy of research data.
(22) Although this may sound like a simple process[http:///great care.html], great care is needed.
(23) Great care should be taken to ensure that the equipment is clean.
(24) The stock must be chosen with great care.
(25) The situation called for great care and restraint.
(26) In his speech he delineated the country plan with great care.
(27) Any judicial act of line-drawing may seem somewhat arbitrary, but Roe was a reasoned statement, elaborated with great care.
(28) Soon after Cat Cinderella has planted and tended the tree with great care, it grows to the size of a woman.
(29) If you have to clean a patient's eyes, take great care and ask them not to move.
(30) She wears a pink suede jacket with a studded fringe which she takes great care to hang.
(1) Take great care, I pray you!
(2) Great care is taken to avoid confusing the two types of projects.
(3) He loved his books and took great care of them.
(31) In addition Bill has taken great care to create structure and all the year round interest with shrubs and conifers.
(32) When carrying out the operation, doctors have to take great care not to damage the delicate nerves endings.
(33) Honda uses great care to make the goals reasonable and attainable, and the top leaders are especially sensitive in that regard.
(34) None the less, great care is taken in organisations to ensure that the membership is identified and kept under review.
(35) Taking great care where she placed her feet, she trod softly down the stairs.
(36) These things happen to the most confident of video users and the gremlins always seem to choose their moment with great care.
(37) Take great care not to delete any semi-colons,[] vertical bars etc.
(38) They took great care and were concentrating on a small area, trying hard not to tread on the bones.
(39) In some stores, great care has gone into making that transformation pleasant.
(40) Great care must be exercised in deciding whether or not data fits a logistic curve.
(41) Be careful with toxic substances and always follow the directions on the bottles with great care.
(42) Great care and attention should be given during transplantation as the plants are very fragile.
(43) Great care is taken to ensure the accuracy of each item.
(44) Carotid sinus massage should be done with great care in patients for whom this diagnosis is suspected.
(45) Heavily stocked or overfed tanks suffer the most and nitrate levels can quickly rise out of control if great care is not taken.
(46) To succeed, you needed to take great care that you peaked just as the winning-post hove into view.
(47) Great care must be taken to ensure that the line of palms do not look like some modern Forestry Commission plantation.
(48) I took great care with my appearance before my next session with the hypnotherapist.
(49) Brown has taken great care not to spook the City.
(50) He began to weigh his words with great care, struggling to express himself as economically and clearly as possible.
(51) Take great care when uploading personal information such as your address or credit card number.
(52) But take great care lighting stoves - tents are highly flammable.
(53) I always take great care with diets, so I don't lose too much weight too quickly.
(54) An audit of unplanned pregnancies seen in one practice also emphasised the need for great care in counselling people using the pill.
(55) The advice is, therefore, pick your pear varieties with great care.
(56) Great care must be taken in complying with the requirements for advance disclosure.
(57) Making international comparisons Great care should be taken in using real output percapita figures to compare different countries' standards of living.
(58) Great care was taken in the design of the control panel and the instruments mounted on it.
(59) More experiments on more lymphoma-bearing mice followed, and the doses likely to achieve the best effect were assessed with great care.
(60) George is very kind and caring and took great care over Lennie.
(61) Great care is needed when choosing the organisation to invest your pension savings.
(62) He spreads such figures, with great care for the contour which is echoed by supple and delicate inner detail.
(63) Great care was taken with his education, but teaching him what he did not wish to learn was a dangerous business.
(64) But great care must be taken before generalizing from them.
(65) He gave the impression of weighing every thought and utterance with great care.
(66) Great care must be taken to ensure that solutions are clean and free of extraneous matter.
(66) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(67) I would fold it up with great care every morning.
(68) Great care therefore needs to be taken over the completion of documents.
(69) In drawing up their lists they take great care to achieve a balance that reflects the diversity of the electorate's concerns.
(70) Great care must be taken when the fish is transferred by net as the spines inevitably tangle.
(71) Notice that you should treat the new motherboard with great care as it can easily be damaged.
(72) We must give great care upon transistor biasing.
(73) Such things ought to be handled with great care.
(74) The Officer went through the case with great care.
(75) The agency agreement was made out with great care.
(76) Handle the vibrometer with great care.
(77) The pharmacist dispensed the prescription with great care.
(78) She had husbanded her stock with great care.
(79) The old doctor handles his cases with great care.
(80) The officer went through the case with great care.
(81) The anastomosis must be done with great care.
(82) Sikes loaded the pistol with great care.
(83) Herein, we present an extremely rare case of rectal ameboma associated with amebic liver abscess, which can only be distinguished with great care from rectal cancer with liver metastasis.
(84) The Threadless crew will take great care in choosing designs that are of top quality.
(85) Works with great care of the language description, and in the emotion mighty waves there are dynamic and harmony narration rhythm, etc.
(86) Great care is taken in testing, improving, and optimizing the oxyhydrogen units for use in a wide variety of vehicles and equipment.
(87) Note : great care must be exercised if mutable objects are as map keys.
(88) Samples or specimens collected should also be handled with great care.
(89) We also felt deeply the unreserved support and great care of our motherland.
(90) Great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic.
(91) Cut out all the sections, with great care, cutting just inside the outline. Mark the armhole notches, bust point and dart ends with small holes, using a compass point or map pins.
(92) Embroidery calls for great care . There must not be even a single sloppy stitch.
(93) We assure you that the order will be handled with great care.
(94) I have read your letter of October 26 th with great care.
(95) The skies darken over both our castles, we must take great care.
(96) I think that I have never want Chinese elderships to take great care of me, but Chinese elderships should not bother me in a fuddle .
(97) Ideally this should be spread on land as an organic fertiliser and soil conditioner, however great care will be required to ensure that this does not become a further source of soil contamination.
(98) Molokai residents show a deep regard for tradition and take great care to preserve the island's unique cultural heritage.
(99) The cars went along with great care on the icy roads.
(100) A counter offer should be handled with great care and with an eye to good will and future business.
(101) In every state and city I visit, there is always a museum—or many of them—recording local history. Even at Port Arthur great care is taken in preserving one of the darkest periods of the exiles.
(102) We assure you that the order will is handle with great care.
(103) Glasses are fragile and must be handled with great care.
(104) Sculptures of deities have been carved with great care in butter.
(105) He took his time answering, knowing that he must select his words with great care.
(106) The compensated termination of labor relations in SOEs should be handled with great care in order to avoid new social contradictions.
(107) Nevertheless the Reich Marshal drafted his telegram to Hitler with great care.
(108) He was making, with great care, a picture of a seabird.
(108) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(109) The writer takes great care in the use of words.
(110) Great care and skill are required in machining long thin cylindrical work if it is not to be out of round.
(111) E.L. Doctorow once remarked that appearances are all we have, so we should treat them with great care.
(112) Even children of seven or eight took great care of this collective property.
(113) The guano is a fine bird, but great care is necessary in rearing it.
(114) He watched her as she toiled slowly and with great care.
(115) Pretty soon a truck came and carried it away with great care.
(116) Because elderly patients are not only pharmacologically but also physically fragile, they require great care during positioning and moving.




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