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- Hepworth, Barbara
- hepworth,-barbara
- hepworth,barbara
- her
- Hera
- heracles
- Herakles
- herald
- heralded
- heraldic
- heralding
- herald of
- herald of something
- herald of sth
- heraldry
- heralds
- herald, the
- herald tribune
- heraldtribune
- herald-tribune
- Herald Tribune, The
- herb
- herbaceous
- herbaceous border
- herbaceousborder
- Suede leather
- Be identical to
- Tin plate
- Mud bath
- Homing beacon
- Numerical system
- Extraction of oil
- Total current
- Fellini
- Field crop
- 贤俊者自可赏爱,顽鲁者亦当矜怜,有偏宠者,虽欲以厚之,更所以祸之
- 贤去则国微,圣去则国乖
- 贤君无私怨
- 贤圣为上兮,必俭约戒身。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 贤圣之君,不以禄私其亲,功多者授之;不以官随其爱,能当之者处之
- 贤圣治家非一宝。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 贤士不以耻食,不以辱得
- 贤士之处世也,譬若锥之处囊中,其末立见
- 贤士,邦之宝也;美女,邦之咎也
- 贤妻为爱洗手做羹汤