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单词 deal
释义 Word family  noun deal dealer dealings verb deal  Related topics: Cardsdeal1 /diːl/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  agreement 协议 [countable]AGREE an agreement or arrangement, especially in business or politics, that helps both sides involved 〔尤指生意或政治方面的〕协议 They made a deal to sell the land to a property developer. 他们达成了协议把这块地卖给房地产开发商。deal with rumors that the company had done a deal with Microsoft to market its products 有关该公司已和微软公司达成协议销售其产品的传言deal between Twelve US soldiers were released after a deal between the army and the guerillas. 军方和游击队达成协议之后,12名美国士兵获释。2  a great/good deal LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTa large quantity of something 很多的,大量的 SYN a lota great/good deal of It took a great deal of time and effort. 那需要花费大量时间和精力。 His work has been attracting a great deal of attention. 他的作品吸引了大量关注。a great/good deal more/less etc (=a lot more, less etc) 多得多/少得多等 He knew a good deal more than I did. 他懂得比我多很多。 She’s married to a man a good deal older than herself. 她嫁给了一个年龄比她大许多的男人。5 GRAMMAR 语法• Use a great/good deal of only with uncountable nouns. a great/good deal of 只能与不可数名词连用a great deal of time/money/work大量时间/金钱/工作• With nouns in the plural, use a lot of. 如果是名词的复数形式,则用a lot ofa lot of people/animals/shops大量的人/动物/商店n GRAMMAR: Comparisona great/good deal of• You use a great deal of or a good deal of with uncountable nouns: a great deal of moneya good deal of work• A great/good deal of is not used with nouns in the plural. ✗Don’t say: a great deal of peoplea lot of• You can use a lot of with nouns in the plural or uncountable nouns: a lot of peoplea lot of trouble3  treatment 待遇 [countable usually singular]TREAT/BEHAVE TOWARDS treatment of a particular type that is given or received 待遇a better/fairer etc deal a better deal for nurses 给护士的更好待遇 The prime minister promised farmers a new deal (=a new and fairer system). 首相向农民保证推行一项新政策。a rough/raw deal (=unfair treatment) 不公正待遇 Women tend to get a raw deal from employers. 女性常常受到雇主不公正的对待。4  it’s a deal spokenAGREE used to say that you agree to do something 就这么办 OK, it’s a deal. 好,就这么办。5  what's the deal? American English spoken used when you want to know about a problem or something strange that is happening 怎么啦? So what's the deal? Why is he so mad? 怎么回事?他干吗发这么大火?6  cards 纸牌 [singular]DGC when you give out cards to players in a card game 〔纸牌游戏中的〕发牌 → dealer It’s your deal, Alison. 该你发牌了,艾莉森。7  wood 木材 [uncountable] British EnglishTIHBP fir or pine wood used for making things 冷杉木;松木 a deal table 冷杉[松]木桌子8. a deal of something old-fashioned a large amount of something 大量的某物 → big deal COLLOCATIONSverbsdo a deal 达成协议The two companies have recently done a major deal. 两家公司最近达成了一项重要协议。make a deal informal 约定Why don't we make a deal to stay out of each other's way? 我们为什么不约定互不干涉呢?reach/strike a deal (=agree a deal after a lot of discussions) 达成协议nThe US and North Korea reached a deal about North Korea's nuclear development program.sign a deal 签署协议The singer has signed a $20 million deal with an American TV network. 这名歌手与一家美国电视网签下了一份两千万美元的协议。negotiate a deal (=agree a deal by discussing over a long period) 谈成协议We have negotiated a special deal with one of the world’s leading car hire companies. 我们与一家世界顶级汽车租赁公司谈成了一项特别协议。close/conclude a deal formal (=agree a deal formally) 达成协议A deal between the two companies has now been concluded. 两家公司现已达成协议。clinch a deal (=finally agree on a deal, especially one that is good for you) 达成协议〔尤指对己方有好处〕The salesman was eager to clinch the deal. 销售员急于做成生意。cut a deal informal (=agree a deal, especially when it is difficult or you have to accept some things you would rather not accept) 达成协议〔尤指有难度或出于无奈〕In the end, they had to cut a deal with the Communists. 最后,他们只得与民主党达成协议。have a deal informal (=have made or agreed on a deal) 说定了Do we have a deal? 说定了?get a good deal (=buy something at a good price) 买得合算He thought he had got a good deal. 他觉得自己买得很合算。back out of/pull out of a deal (=decide not to make a deal after discussing one) 商讨协议后变卦Twenty-five jobs were lost after their partner pulled out of the deal. 合伙人变卦减少了25个工作岗位。a deal goes through/ahead (=it happens as arranged) 交易进行It’s 99% certain that the deal will go through. 百分之九十九会成交。a deal falls through (=does not happen as arranged) 交易失败The cost was simply too high, so the deal fell through. 价格实在太高,所以没有成交。ADJECTIVES/NOUN + deala good deal (=a good price, offer, or arrangement) 合算的买卖You can buy two for £10, which sounds like a good deal. 10 英镑可以买两个,听上去挺合算的。a business deal 生意He lost a fortune in an unwise business deal. 他做了一宗不明智的生意,损失惨重。a pay deal (=one that involves an agreement about how much people will be paid) 工资协议They are currently negotiating a new pay deal. 目前他们在商讨新的工资协议。a peace deal (=an agreement to end fighting between countries) 和平协议Hopes of a peace deal are fading. 达成和平协议的希望越来越渺茫。a financial/political etc deal 金融/政治等协议After weeks of negotiation the prospect of a political deal seemed increasingly unlikely. 几周谈判下来,达成政治协议的希望似乎越来越渺茫。an arms/weapons deal (=one which involves selling weapons) 武器交易A number of recent arms deals have embarrassed the government. 近来一系列武器交易令政府感到尴尬。a record deal (=one between a singer or band and a recording company) 唱片合约It’s hard for a band to get a record deal. 乐队要拿到唱片合约很难。a one-year/two-year etc deal (=one that will be fixed for one year, two years etc) 一年期/两年期等合约The five-year deal is estimated to be worth $17.2 million. 这份五年期合约估计价值1,720万美元。a shady deal (=dishonest or illegal) 非正当交易Some senior members of the party were involved in shady deals and bribery. 该党的一些高级成员涉嫌黑幕交易和受贿。phrasespart of the deal 协议的部分内容I got free accommodation as part of the deal. 根据协议条款,我得到免费的食宿。the terms of a deal (=the details or conditions in it) 交易细节The hotel group refused to release the financial terms of the deal. 酒店集团拒绝公布这桩交易的财务细节。a done deal informal (=something that has been completely agreed) 已敲定的事The takeover has been described as a done deal. 这次收购据称已成定局。Examples from the Corpusdeal• Taylor recently signed a deal to lease her three-bedroom home for $14,000.• As a result, you can get a better deal on a Mac today than at any time in the past.• It all adds up to a better deal, for your managers, your training budget and for effective corporate management development.• With interest rates low, deals and refinancings are expected to be brisk.• They agreed a $55 million deal with a leading Japanese automobile company.• Clare's fund gets £90million from the new deal.• Wickes lost a lot of money on two large property deals.• The actions left industry analysts uncertain about the deal.• Negotiations for the deal took more than 14 months.• The payments were awarded to him in spite of the fact that he participated in the negotiation of the deal with VastNed.• It is expected that the deal will be finalized before the end of May.• The deal would create the nation's largest credit card with• I spend most of my working day dealing with customer inquiries.• I deal with farmers, selling them things like cattle feed and insecticides.• Who is dealing with the accommodation arrangements for the conference?• They don't buy their office supplies from a store - they only deal with the manufacturers.• We don't deal with the actors directly - we usually have to go through their agents.• I'm sorry I'm late. I had an urgent call to deal with.• The police received training in how to deal with families of crime victims.• I try to deal with everyone in an honest, ethical way.• There's only one way to deal with naughty children and that's to be strict with them.a better/fairer etc deal• Strength in numbers will allow us to give customers a better deal.• Just compare Cosmos value - we are convinced you won't find a better deal anywhere!• It's certainly hard to find a better deal anywhere else in the country.• Could we find a better deal on word processors?• I will never lie against my people, crawl for a better deal for myself.• He said she made up the tales of abuse to get a better deal in the divorce.• Under increasing public pressure, farmers are taking a greater interest in free-range systems which give a fairer deal to farm animals.• It all adds up to a better deal, for your managers, your training budget and for effective corporate management development.Related topics: Cards, Drug culturedeal2 ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tense and past participle dealt /delt/)  1  [intransitive, transitive] (also deal something ↔ out)DGC to give playing cards to each of the players in a game 〔纸牌游戏中的〕发(牌) Whose turn is it to deal? 轮到谁发牌了?2  [intransitive] informalMDD to buy and sell illegal drugs 买卖毒品 Many users end up dealing to support their habit. 许多吸毒者最后都是靠做毒品买卖来供自己吸毒。3  deal a blow (to somebody/something) to cause harm to someone or something – used in news reports (给某人或某物)造成伤害[损失,打击]〔用于新闻报道〕deal a heavy/severe/serious etc blow The sanctions have dealt a severe blow to the local tourism industry. 制裁对当地旅游业造成了沉重的打击。 This will deal a blow to consumer confidence. 这将对消费者的信心造成打击。4 deal in phrasal verb a) deal in somethingSELL to buy and sell a particular type of product 经营,买卖〔某种产品〕 → dealerdeal in shares/securities etc investors dealing in stocks and shares 从事证券和股票买卖的投资者deal in drugs/stolen goods etc He then began dealing in heroin. 后来他就做起了海洛因买卖。deal in antiques/second-hand books etc 经营古董/旧书等b) deal in somethingUSE something to be interested or involved in something 对某事感兴趣;参与某事 As a scientist, I do not deal in speculation. 作为一名科学家,我对投机不感兴趣。c) deal somebody in to include someone in a game of cards 让某人参加〔纸牌游戏〕5 deal something ↔ out phrasal verb a) DGCto give playing cards to each of the players in a game 发〔牌〕 I began dealing out the cards. 我开始发牌。b) GIVEto decide what kind of punishment someone will get 决定给予〔某人某种处罚〕6 deal with somebody/something phrasal verb a) DEAL WITHto take the necessary action, especially in order to solve a problem 对付,应付,处理 SYN handle a strategy for dealing with disruptive pupils 对付捣蛋学生的策略 Don’t worry, I’ll deal with this. 别担心,我会处理这件事的。deal with a problem/issue/matter etc The council has failed to deal with the problem of homelessness in the city. 市议会未能处理好市里无家可归者的问题。deal effectively/adequately etc with something They should deal properly and fairly with any complaint. 他们应该恰当公正地处理任何投诉。b) ABOUTif a book, speech etc deals with a particular subject, it is about that subject 涉及,论及,探讨〔某个主题〕 These ideas are dealt with more fully in Chapter Four. 这些观点在第四章中有更全面的阐述。c) BUSINESSto do business with someone or have a business connection with someone 和〔某人〕做生意 Most travel agents do not deal directly with these companies. 大部分旅行代办人都不直接和这些公司打交道。d) TREAT/BEHAVE TOWARDSto succeed in controlling your feelings about an emotional problem so that it does not affect your life 控制住〔感情〕 SYN cope with How’s he dealing with the whole thing? 这件事他应付得怎么样?n COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1,2, 3 & 4nounsdeal with a problemBoth countries are having to deal with the problem of violence in urban with an issue/matter/questionNew laws were introduced to deal with the with a situationFor a while I had no idea how to deal with the with a crisisThe president has flown home to deal with the with a complaintWorking in the Customer Service Department, you become an expert in dealing with with an enquiryOur staff will be able to deal with any with an emergencyAll our ambulance drivers are trained to deal with with a challengeI chose this job because I like having to deal with new challenges every day.adverbsdeal with something effectivelyMost schools don't deal with the problem of bullying very with something successfullyMost of these issues have now been successfully dealt with something adequatelyOur National Health Service does not deal adequately with the question of old age. THESAURUSdeal with something to take the necessary action, especially in order to solve a problem 〔尤指为了解决问题〕处理某事We need to deal with problems like pollution and climate change. 我们需要处理诸如污染、气候变化等问题。I spend most of my day dealing with customer enquiries. 我每天大部分时间都在处理顾客咨询。handle to deal with a problem or difficult situation by making particular decisions – used especially when talking about how well or badly someone does this 处理〔问题或棘手情况,尤用于指做得好坏的程度〕He handled the situation very well. 他妥善处理了这一情况。Most customers were happy with the way their complaints had been handled. 大多数顾客对他们投诉的受理方式感到满意。tackle to start to deal with a problem, especially one that is complicated 处理〔尤指复杂问题〕We need to tackle the issue of drugs in schools. 我们得处理学生吸毒问题。The government is introducing new measures to tackle online crime. 政府在推行新的措施打击网络犯罪。see to/attend to somebody/something to deal with all the practical details of something that needs to be done or organized. Attend to is more formal than see to 处理〔实际的细节问题,attend to比see to正式〕My son saw to all the funeral arrangements. 丧事全部由我儿子负责安排。I have some business to attend to. 我有些事要处理。take care of something to do the work or make the arrangements that are necessary for something to happen – used especially when you do this for someone else so that they do not have to worry about it 〔尤指代劳〕处理某事My secretary takes care of all the paperwork. 我的秘书负责全部的文书工作。process if a company or organization processes a letter, form etc, they do the things that are usually done as part of their official system, in order to deal with it 〔公司、机构〕处理〔书信、表格等〕It will take a minimum of 14 days to process your passport application. 处理护照申请至少要14天。nI called their office, and they said that my request was still being processed.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdeal• He was arrested for dealing cocaine.• Deal three cards to each player.• She avoided, for example, dealing with anger, competition, or sadness.• Find out who the personnel are and, in particular, who deals with conservation matters or listed building applications.• The relationships of women to the health-care system and to the criminal law are dealt with in chapters 9 and 11 respectively.• However, not all problems can be dealt with mathematically.• His job at the White House had been to deal with the press.From Longman Business Dictionarydealdeal1 /diːl/ verb (past tense and past participle dealt /delt/)FINANCECOMMERCE → deal in something → deal with somebody/something→ See Verb tabledealdeal2 noun [countable]1FINANCECOMMERCEan agreement or arrangement, especially one that involves the sale of somethingThe supermarket has just signed a deal with a group of dairy farmers to supply all their milk. → bought deal → cash deal → fair deal → package deal2an offer of a product at a lower price than usual, available only for a limited timeThere are some good deals on mortgages around at the moment.Origin deal1 Old English dældeal1 noun →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →COLLOCATIONS1deal2 verb →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  in an Corpus arrangement, Business or especially agreement




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