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单词 subscriber
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishing, Organizationssub·scrib·er /səbˈskraɪbə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1  TCNsomeone who pays money, usually once a year, to receive copies of a newspaper or magazine, or to have a service 〔报纸或杂志的〕订阅者,订户;〔某项服务的〕消费者,用户 cable television subscribers 有线电视用户2. British EnglishSSOGIVE someone who pays money to be part of an organization or to help its work 〔某组织的〕会员;赞助者Examples from the Corpussubscriber• This SportsNet Plus / Cityline budget is for audiotex subscribers only.• You'd better go round and ask some of the other hunt subscribers.• Seventeen has 1. 9 million subscribers, of whom 4,200.• Meanwhile, new subscribers began to flock, like moths scenting pheromones, to the Times.• A hundred satisfied subscribers would be even better than one.• Internet service subscribers• The bulk of its revenues comes from selling cut-rate subscriptions to first-time subscribers.• It is clear that these women subscribers lived in the best parts of London.From Longman Business Dictionarysubscribersub‧scrib‧er /səbˈskraɪbə-ər/ noun [countable]1someone who pays money regularly in order to have a newspaper or magazine sent to them, or to receive telephone, television or Internet serviceCountry Music Television currently has 15 million subscribers.subscriber toWe are longtime subscribers to your paper.2FINANCE someone who asks or agrees to buy shares in a company that is offering shares to the publicsubscriber forFinancial forecasts should be disclosed to intending subscribers for shares in the company.3FINANCE someone who agrees to become one of the first members of a LIMITED COMPANY by signing the company’s MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATIONsubscriber toSubscribers to the memorandum must take at least one share each.4a person, organization, or country that signs a documentsubscriber toBritain is not a subscriber to the convention.sub·scrib·er nounChineseSyllable  who someone money, pays a Business usually Corpus once




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