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单词 Stringy
1. Scoop out the pumpkin's stringy fibres.
2. The chicken was dry and stringy.
3. Her stringy black hair kept falling in her eyes.
4. Probably a stringy old battleaxe in tweeds.
5. If stringy, push pulp through sieve with back of spoon.
6. The meat was stringy.
7. The pink Kaopectate left milky, stringy strands on the bathroom sink.
8. It has a distinctive texture which becomes stringy when cooked and is most famous served on top of pizzas or lasagne.
9. This girl, with her dirty hands and stringy bleached hair, knew all about men.
10. My son feels long and stringy now, all sinew, veins and bone.
11. On my left, three stringy adolescent snakes emerge in unison from a small opening like ground mice.
12. Sam Fermoyle asked, wincing at the stringy sound of his own voice.
13. He was quite different from the stringy little animals I saw on my daily round.
14. The meat can easily become dry and stringy although, when cooked properly, they are extremely flavorful.
15. Their nuclei tend to be long and stringy.
16. He flexed his long stringy muscles manfully.
17. She had stringy hair and skinny legs.
18. Strict strong stringy Stephen Stretch slickly snared six sickly silky snakes.
19. Weight loss, making her look gaunt and stringy, alternated with periods of puffiness and overweight.
20. From this came the mass of stringy stem-like supports that form between the two plates as they are pulled apart, as a logical conclusion of the idea of the separation of the two horizontal planes.
21. Clear, stringy stuff is a sign of an allergy or the beginning of a cold.
22. Across his shoulders was draped a fur collared waterproof and on his hands were those tiny stringy driving gloves.
23. Others were wet and clingy and had pulsing red veins and stringy muscle cords woven into them.
24. The algae consumed waste products from the reef and under the intense artificial sunlight they proliferated in stringy green mats.
25. This liquid was made by chopping up the roots of an inedible yam which looked like stringy, tough beetroot.
26. Here, the pericardial cavity has been opened to reveal a fibrinous pericarditis with strands of stringy pale fibrin between visceral and parietal pericardium.
27. Isinglass is a very pure form of collagen, and it is the long, stringy collagen molecules that help speed up the natural sedimentation process by attracting the molecules of yeast.
28. Plants crowd my space. I am surrounded by large banana leaves -- huge splashes of heartwarming yellow-green color -- and stringy vines of green beans entwining every vertical surface.
29. I am surrounded by large banana leaves -- huge splashes of heartwarming yellow-green color -- and stringy vines of green beans entwining every vertical surface.
30. He had ordered a bowl one day at a restaurant, but found the typically stringy, melted Gruyere cheese to be a challenge.
31. This stringy mess is known as marine mucilage. They're visible on the surface of the water as well, creating a sudsy look in the sea.
32. That the hair is stringy and matted also helps here.
33. It was composed of stringy filaments saturated with water, like the berries , and devoid of nourishment.
34. As the concentration of zinc sulfate increases, the formation of product appears thin stringy structures and open grossness structures with a relative change of the fractal dimension.
35. Thankfully, it wasn't smothered in stringy cheese like some pizzas.
36. Stringy blonde hair, in need of combing, spilled over a grubby pillow.
37. Using the pointed tip of aforceps, Bortamuly made a tiny hole in the skin of the scrotum and pulled outan oxbow of white, stringy vas deferens—the sperm conduit from the patient'sright testicle.
38. The way his stringy black hair moves jerkily into his eyes.




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