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单词 allude
释义  al·lude /əˈluːd/ ●○○ verb  1 allude to somebody/something phrasal verb formalMENTION to mention something or someone indirectly 影射,暗指 Rick didn’t want to discuss his past, though he alluded darkly to ‘some bad things that happened.’ 里克不想谈论自己的过去,不过他曾伤感地暗示“发生过一些不幸的事情”。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusallude• This building serves as a point of reference, alluding in its monumentality to the idea of art as drama.• Afterwards Lewis wished he had said something scathing, alluding perhaps to the lateness of the hour or Adam's appearance.• I do not now allude to preference though of course that comes first.• Besides, it struck him as a little absurd to allude to the matter.• Two further programmes alluding to the resignation, due to be aired on Jan. 4 and 11, had also been blocked.Origin allude (1500-1600) Latin alludere, from ad- “with” + ludere “to play”al·lude verbChineseSyllable   or Corpus someone indirectly something mention to




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