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单词 hassock
释义  has·sock /ˈhæsək/ noun [countable]  1. DHFa small cushion for kneeling on in a church 〔教堂里的〕祈祷跪垫2. American EnglishDHF a soft round piece of furniture used as a seat or for resting your feet on 坐垫,脚垫 SYN British English pouffeExamples from the Corpushassock• The relatively modern pews and colourful hassocks seem merely transient and do nothing to conceal the vibrant essence of this ancient environment.• My father pointed to the old round leather hassock.• Mr Peniket collected the prayer-books and straightened the hassocks.• The hassock had once been green and red and was now a uniform brown.Origin hassock Old English hassuc “small thick mass of grass”has·sock nounChineseSyllable  on for Corpus kneeling church a small a in cushion




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