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单词 cracker
释义  Related topics: Food, Leisure, Computerscrack·er /ˈkrækə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1. DFa hard dry type of bread in small flat shapes, that is often eaten with cheese 薄脆饼干〔常与干酪同吃〕2. (also Christmas cracker)DL a decorated paper tube that makes a small exploding sound when you pull it apart. Crackers contain a small gift, a paper hat, and a joke, and are used at Christmas in Britain. 圣诞彩包爆竹3. DLa firecracker 爆竹4  GOOD/EXCELLENTFUNNY British English spoken something that is very good or funny 好东西;有趣的事物 That was a cracker of a goal. 那记射门真漂亮。5  someone who illegally breaks into a computer system in order to steal information or stop the system from working properly 黑客,骇客〔侵入计算机窃取信息或破坏系统者〕 SYN hacker computer crackers 电脑黑客6. WOMAN British English old-fashioned informal a very attractive woman 迷人的女子Examples from the Corpuscracker• You had 5 crackers and you ate 2.• The next home game against Bolton was a cracker.• A cracker can also eavesdrop using wiretapping, radio, or auxiliary ports on computers, which are used by network programs.• Others had responsibility for passing the cheese and crackers, or for clearing away the used glasses.• cheese and crackers• The shepherd's pie was followed by waiters carrying plates of nibbles; nuts, crisps, salted crackers and more champagne.crack·er nounChineseSyllable  type Corpus hard bread in a of dry




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