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单词 courgette
释义  Related topics: Foodcour·gette /kʊəˈʒet $ kʊr-/ noun [countable]   DFa long vegetable with dark green skin 小胡瓜,密生西葫芦 SYN American English zucchini →5 see picture at 见图 vegetable1Examples from the Corpuscourgette• Remove the fish from the marinade and thread pieces alternately with the pepper cubes and courgette pieces on to 4 long skewers.• The flesh turns spongy and tender as it cooks; tastes like a cross between a cucumber and courgette.• The waiter lifted the salver to reveal a rack of lamb surrounded by courgettes and tiny new potatoes.• Shred one medium carrot into ribbon strips with a potato peeler, repeat with one medium courgette.• Return the onion to the pan and add the mushrooms, courgette and pepper and cook together for a few minutes.• Add the courgettes and continue to boil for a further 10 minutes.• Add the courgettes and onion and fry gently for 4 minutes.• On the other, the big green umbrellas of the courgette plants, the orange swell of pumpkins.cour·gette nounChineseSyllable  dark vegetable Corpus green long with a skin




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